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Fujifilm GFX 100s, Schneider Xenon-Sapphire 95mm f/3.9
1/40s f/5.6 iso200 100-stack

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
it is a bit complicated. Example below.. not the same lens though.

Great! So you have bellows! Vance. Or Cambo?

Very controlled and superb setup! Your effort paid off handsomely!

Is the flower below the same?

I just happened to photograph this new vase of flowers my wife put by the window! It looks similar but I am ignorant of the species.


This was with a macro lens by Sandmark attached to an iPhone 16 +, using a 17mm thread aligned by a Sandmark case to the highest resolution main lens.


Obviously, my setup can’t reproduce the marvelous separation from your gently bokehed background petals.

But just the interest and “need”, (to stop what we were otherwise doing), to capture what we saw, is a testament to the drive great sights evoke in both of us!