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Phil Fernandez

New member
A model approached me to do her maternity since this is her first baby

c & c is highly appreciated...



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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I must say, Phil, you've done a splendid job of showing a pregnant woman in a unique and beautiful way. The style, although suggestive of staged glamor with the arched foot in the first picture, nevertheless, comes off as a simple presentation of the wonderful shape of a woman with child.

I wonder whether Harv on her hand is for her husband or what? What on earth is the handwritten 672 behind her left breast?

I'd love to know the story behind this mother to be. That means your picture works well!

Is the child born already?


Phil Fernandez

New member
I must say, Phil, you've done a splendid job of showing a pregnant woman in a unique and beautiful way. The style, although suggestive of staged glamor with the arched foot in the first picture, nevertheless, comes off as a simple presentation of the wonderful shape of a woman with child.

I wonder whether Harv on her hand is for her husband or what? What on earth is the handwritten 672 behind her left breast?

I'd love to know the story behind this mother to be. That means your picture works well!

Is the child born already?

thank you... yes she gave birth a few months ago. Daddy was actually right beside me while I was shooting. Didn't really ask what her tattoos meant since the couple is not your ordinary couple... both of them have piercings, tattoos, listen to heavy music and enters in mosh pits in concerts.
