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Model Alert

Kevin Stecyk

New member
Katy T has posted an article on her blog titled SAFETY ALERT - BEWARE!. Please visit her blog to read her article. Please note, her blog is Not Safe For Work (NSFW).

According to Katy's article, this is a person posing as a legitimate photographer who allegedly is not what he purports to be. The more eyes that see her post, the better chance police have of finding the alleged perpetrator, investigating the serious claims against him and resolving this important issue.
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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Let us know if you have reason to believe that anyone on our site has scammed or abused models. I'm happy to see us address this if we need to. We have had one or two cases of plagiarism and one suggestion leaning towards bad behavior. We find them and they are dealt with as expected; fairly but promptly.


Kevin Stecyk

New member
Asher, if I had any reason to believe that someone on your site acted in an improper fashion, I would not hesitate to contact you and the authorities. However, I suspect those that do act in an improper fashion do not seek sunshine where their photographs are open to serious review and comment. Instead, they seek darkness where they can continue conducting their nefarious activities without seeking wide attention.

For everyone's benefit, I hope the police capture this individual soon so that he can receive the proper punishment or treatment or both.
Katy T has posted an article on her blog titled SAFETY ALERT - BEWARE!. Please visit her blog to read her article. Please note, her blog is Not Safe For Work (NSFW).

This is a person posing as a legitimate photographer who is not what he purports to be. The more eyes that see her post, the better chance police have of catching this person.

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for bringing it to our attention, but also be careful in believing everything you read on the internet. Who is Katy T? Who does she have a bone to pick with? We don't know. The warning is possibly valid, but be careful, that's all I want to say.

Posting pictures of people with claims of them doing evil things like she(?) did, without proper legal grounds/conviction, is very dangerous and could ultimately lead to prosecution for slander in some jurisdictions.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
be careful in believing everything you read on the internet. Who is Katy T? Who does she have a bone to pick with? We don't know.
This is an important point. Here we have to emphasize that we know of no solid data to implicate anyone in the referred article has committed any wrong against another person.

Posting pictures of people with claims of them doing evil things like she(?) did, without proper legal grounds/conviction, is very dangerous and could ultimately lead to prosecution for slander in some jurisdictions.

Thanks Bart for bringing rationalism to this important but easily inflammatory subject.


Kevin Stecyk

New member
Who is Katy T?

Perhaps you wish to ask fellow member Doug Earle: http://www.openphotographyforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12772

I am letting Katy worry about possible defamatory comments. If a model has serious concerns about a photographer, is willing to draw attention, and claims that the police are looking for this individual, I am willing to error on the model's side. I won't personally name the individual, for reasons you mention, but I will point others to read her comments.

I detest scammers. I detest serial scammers more. And, especially serial scammers claiming to be serious photographers.

Given the choice of ignoring her concerns or pointing others to view her comments, I easily without hesitation point people to read the her blog post.

Kathy Rappaport

pro member
Two people

If you aren't sure about who you are shooting, you should always have someone with you. Not just for their protection, but your own as well