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more fastpitch (from Wed's game)

Jeff Mims

New member
Bad lighting in this game. It was a later start time, and I was between 800 and 1250 ISO, for about the last half of the game. Difficult lighting, but I needed the practice. The only way I know to get better is get advice from more skillful shooters, and practice. So..that's what I'm doing.
BTW, the pitcher shots were thru the fence.




Nill Toulme

New member
I wouldn't call that bad lighting at all, and these look great. In fact, the light in the first shot is pretty darn wonderful.

Well done.


doug anderson

New member
I wouldn't call that bad lighting at all, and these look great. In fact, the light in the first shot is pretty darn wonderful.

Well done.


You have captured the seriousness of these girls.

When I watch a softball pitcher, the way they ratchet their arms around to deliver a pitch, I shudder to think of what kind of rotator cuff problems they'll have down the line.

Jeff Mims

New member
Thanks for the kind words.
I wonder about pitchers too. I'm told, that because it's an underhanded throwing motion, and more natural than overhand like in baseball.
Then again, I've heard of more than one softball pitcher who has had shoulder surgery.