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More from Gettysburg, CA:-)

Mary Bull

New member
Nik, both sets of pictures are awesome to me.

I liked the flags in the settlers camp--what came up first for me, in the first link.

And I really, really like image 9926 from the Night Battle sub-gallery.

Wonderful how you managed the white area in the midst of the blazing fire colors, and how the troops draw the eye, even through the haze of the battle's smoke.

I'm bookmarking your site! Haven't had time yet to view much more than thumbnails, but just wanted to post a big Thank-You, to you, before I continue looking.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

I love your work once more. Some of the camp pictures and characters seem so genuine. The disparate state of uniforms between the north and south rings true. The availability of cavalry is a treat. I'm surprised that the fire of the guns shoots out so far!

What's impressive of the event is how well the organizers have arranged the battle scenes, so the observers are not on all sides.

I think you might think about making a calendar for 2007!

This would make good holiday gifts.


P.S. Look at the picture to optimize!

Asher Kelman said:

I love your work once more. Some of the camp pictures and characters seem so genuine. The disparate state of uniforms between the north and south rings true. The availability of cavalry is a treat. I'm surprised that the fire of the guns shoots out so far!

What's impressive of the event is how well the organizers have arranged the battle scenes, so the observers are not on all sides.

I think you might think about making a calendar for 2007!

This would make good holiday gifts.


P.S. Look at the picture to optimize!

Thank you very much for the kind words - and for the calendar idea!!:)


Well-known member

Hi Nik,

Very well done matie ;-). I am very glad to see things working out so nicely for you. Keep on doing what you are doing and you'll eventually get there :).

