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Having raced off road for decades this says a lot to me.

It's not muddy,at least on that day.You have to be aware of where you are in relation to the bikes.There are places where you will be pelted by the dirt/rocks/debris.This particular shot is of professional racers on a well prepared track.However it is a grassroots type of family sport on the amateur level.Entrance fees for those races is about $10 USD and they everywhere every weekend 'year round in most of the US.It's a pretty dynamic activity and you're free to wander around the track (usually 1-2 miles in length) for different vantage points,shade or comfort.They start early in the morning with practice and and are usually over by 5-6 PM.

You will need to be careful with the camera/lenses but it's not unduly hazardous.

And here's the shot as it came from the camera.


And another for grins.Same track,a year later.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

This is a fun sport and a great source of action shots. I'd say t's a great exercise for photographers who are feeling in a rut doing the same kids portraits or real estate pictures or even bird photography to stretch their wings, so to speak and compose n a different way.


Brandon Cade

New member

Nice photographs, Thank you for the idea! I love challenges, I would like to try my hand at photographing this sport!

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Racing motorcycles are a challenge.Here's another discipline,indoor short track.Gladiator racing on polished concrete.



I really like your work and the endless opportunity both these sports give for getting electric pictures. The crop n the first picture with the dirt flying is really an eye catcher.
