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New Book, Contents verso image (nude)

Hello, I am working on a second edition of my first book (True Confessions of Nude Photography). I am soliciting the feedback of some of my old friends here (and some new ones too.) I have a PDF file of the draft, and I want to get some comments on it. It's not for public download, so PM me with your email. I'm only looking for folks who can look it over and send comments in a week or less time.

Here is the image that is opposite of the table of contents:

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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Good luck on your new book! From this one image, there's a promise of technically interesting and lovely photography. I'd be privileged to preview it.


Mark Hampton

New member
Hello, I am working on a second edition of my first book (True Confessions of Nude Photography). I am soliciting the feedback of some of my old friends here (and some new ones too.) I have a PDF file of the draft, and I want to get some comments on it. It's not for public download, so PM me with your email. I'm only looking for folks who can look it over and send comments in a week or less time.

Here is the image that is opposite of the table of contents:


Crop it across the shoulders, the hands work, fore ground blur is dead space also. There is a very tender work in this image.