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New Growth

In this instance, this young Cypress tree is an infant compared to the old growth trees which are well over two hundred years old...


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief


This is such a great find: not only the unique and captivating reflection but the entire distribution of light!

So how did you approach presentation of the extraordinary photograph and how will you find siblings to make a related portfolio. Do you expect more related images in such an environment or perhaps this effect could be in a street after rain and d’ya a man or by cycle under a lamppost or the light of a store front reflected in the cobblestones or sidewalk?

View attachment 11827


This is such a great find: not only the unique and captivating reflection but the entire distribution of light!

So how did you approach presentation of the extraordinary photograph and how will you find siblings to make a related portfolio. Do you expect more related images in such an environment or perhaps this effect could be in a street after rain and d’ya a man or by cycle under a lamppost or the light of a store front reflected in the cobblestones or sidewalk?

All possibilities but for the immediate future I am going to put my undivided attention on making salt, kallitype, lumen and cyanotype prints. This image may well make it to the toned cyanotype or possibly a gum over cyan...gotta do something new.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
All possibilities but for the immediate future I am going to put my undivided attention on making salt, kallitype, lumen and cyanotype prints. This image may well make it to the toned cyanotype or possibly a gum over cyan...gotta do something new.

Are you fortunate to have in studio where these technics are taught or you are forced to learn from articles?


Are you fortunate to have in studio where these technics are taught or you are forced to learn from articles?

I have a full studio at my disposal but I learned most of these techniques from Christopher James during two Workshops in Santa Fe. Though, that said, much has changed from 2009 to 2024 so I am relying on a lot of publications and youtube to get up to date on new processes. I am going to start with some simple Salt prints and simple Cyanotypes to re-familiarize myself with what I already know.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I have a full studio at my disposal but I learned most of these techniques from Christopher James during two Workshops in Santa Fe. Though, that said, much has changed from 2009 to 2024 so I am relying on a lot of publications and youtube to get up to date on new processes. I am going to start with some simple Salt prints and simple Cyanotypes to re-familiarize myself with what I already know.
I am so impressed. It’s a worthwhile set of beautiful tasks you have set yourself. I hope you will carefully document your progress and conundrums.
