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Northern Lights from Southern Ontario

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
A friend messaged me just as I was heading to bed around 10:30 last night, stating “have you looked at the northern sky?” I was planning on waking up around 2:00-3:00 to look out my window for any signs of the Northern Lights that have been advertised as a real possibility of seeing them on May 10’th because of the solar flares.

Anne and I were hoping to see something, so we got dressed, grabbed my gear and headed to my favourite dark side road for night skies. It’s not the most creative location and I did nothing more than shoot as wide as I could. But we got to witness the long streaks going straight up overhead. The crescent moon was heading down in the west, for an interesting view - although the aurora required exposures that caused the moon to glow as a circle. After an hour, any intensity subsided. Thank goodness we went then, as clouds rolled in and it rained most of the night - there would have been no chance for viewing at 2:00.





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