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Nude laying on stone ledge

Nude laying on stone ledge.
Foggy day, roof of abandoned Buddhist monastery.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Nude laying on stone ledge.
Foggy day, roof of abandoned Buddhist monastery.


A.K. Nicholas: Nude Lying on Stone Ledge[/I]


How on earth did you find this place and is that a pool to the right? I am so impressed by the uniqueness of the picture. I love that she is there in the mist. But how come?

The picture has space free of us. There's tons of opportunity for us to contemplate. I do have questions about the composition in that there seems to be too much foreground. What would you think of the option of cropping the lower part until the thick horizontal line. That would put the model in the left hand corner of the central rectangle of the rule if thirds 3x3 setup.

Thanks for sharing your unusual picture.


Doug Kerr

Well-known member
Hi, AK,

Nude laying on stone ledge.
Foggy day, roof of abandoned Buddhist monastery.

That is a lovely shot.

Upon "logical reflection", I would have thought that the limbs "all akimbo" (what a fabulous old-fashioned term) would confer anything but beauty, yet beauty there is, not only despite it but somehow because of it. The beauty is somehow "strange", not in the sense of being bizarre but perhaps in the sense of being unexpected.

Perhaps most interesting is that although we only see the model's face from a seriously oblique angle, and cannot see much of her form, she comes off to me as extraordinarily lovely.

There are many lessons to be learned from this image about "beauty"!

And don't even think about a re-crop!

I congratulate you for your "eye".

Thanks for sharing this shot with us.

Best regards,


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

After Doug said, "Don't even think about a re-crop!", I re-visited and now recognize here reflection in the wet foreground stone, so yes, it's all needed! :)

When shooting this, I was thinking about the converging lines and how they related to the figure. Most of the lines converge on the body, except the parallel rails at the right.

Asher, the area to her right is wet to a depth of a quarter inch of quite cold water, but it is a roof, not a pool.

The real powerhouse here is the model, not the photographer. She braved conditions that most people would prefer to bundle up for.
