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People near the river - Setubal, Portugal

Antonio Correia

Well-known member

20 D + Canon 1.4 Multiplier + 70-200 IS L USM f/2.8 + Rodenstock CPF

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Antonio Correia said:
20 D + Canon 1.4 Multiplier + 70-200 IS L USM f/2.8 + Rodenstock CPF
Yes Antonio!

This is your look; clean and each one just one idea, one thing to fathom.

You do special things sometimes and I like to see your clarity!

In each of the three pictures, each person is into their own dedicated thoughts. The pictures make up a coherent set of images which demand out human interest.


Even the girl with the Botticelli hair is isolated! She may be looking towards us, but there is no bridging between the her and you. She is not really communicating except looking from her vantage point and in he own very private, estate, a cut-off, part of the world.



P.S, I just noticed the pigeon in the 2cd picture! First I thought, "Should I say, "You might have excluded the bird?"?

On second thoughts however, I realize it is perhaps an important element, like a reference point from which one can recalibrate one's brain and examine the girls position in relation to a much larger context than being "a girl by herself".

Antonio Correia

Well-known member

Thank you for the comment.
The pigeon was there. Why take it away ?

I am not very keen of photoshoping the pictures at that level, unless some little adjustments like for example the green paint which was near the pigeon and that I cloned.

Like the paint which is on the couple's shot.


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Antonio Correia said:

Thank you for the comment.
The pigeon was there. Why take it away ?

I am not very keen of photoshoping the pictures at that level, unless some little adjustments like for example the green paint which was near the pigeon and that I cloned.

Ha! Antonio, thank you, this must be our European culture, this is what I try to explain in these fora for long time!
A good shot do not need to be stongly photoshoped, otherwise it becomes an illustration, not a photography. I do not "ban" illustration, they're are just another exercise/art...

Have a good day!

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

I see no need at all to remove anything from your picture.

It's just that the girl's expression is so strong that I did not even see the pigeon. Then I noticed it, like it had just come to visit! So I thought it was extra.

However, I then realized that it gives the picture a broader meaning.

No intention to cut anything, just relating to you the stages in how I reacted to the picture.

I still think your pictures are generally very simple and clear.

The pigeon here, adds some extra thought :)


Don Ferguson Jr.

Well-known member
They are nice compositions but I wonder do those people know they are being shown around the world on the internet ?
Just something to ponder .

Joe Russo

New member

I like the moment that you have captured in the third photograph. The image makes me feel like I want to be closer and know what they are talking about.

In the second photograph, the woman is looking back at you and seems to be thinking "I know you are taking my picture but I don't mind - I'm thinking of other things. But please don't come up and talk to me - I'm not in the mood"

In both of those photographs I like your use of a shallow depth of field to isolate the people and concentrate focus on them as opposed to the surroundings.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Don Ferguson Jr. said:
I wonder do those people know they are being shown around the world on the internet ?
Just something to ponder .
Nicolas Claris said:
Very good point!

This has always been an issue with street photography.

It should give one pause but we still want to publish them. One has to make sure the person is not humiliated or given a title or text description and context that defames or libels.

Otherwise legally, in most cases, it is perfectly fine. But I'm no lawyer.

Children require more caution. Written consent should be obtained and one has to make sure that the identification does not place the child at risk.

Your own conscience has to be good on this, otherwise you'll damage your sense of tranquility and become unsettled or cynical!

We are often bandit, taking pictures at our whim and fancy. However, birds, lions, beetles, mountains and flowers don't mind or generally have lawyers!
