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Phase One Back pricing

Paul Caldwell said:
Does anyone have a link to the Suggested retail pricing on the Phase One backs currently offered?

I have a link for my geography (the Netherlands), but it should give an idea (prices are excl. VAT).

Oh, a warning just to be safe, the 'koop nu' button is a 'buy now' link ;-)


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

The backs are shown with camera. I guess these are just pictures and the price is just for the back? What's the "value pack"?

Asher Kelman said:
The backs are shown with camera. I guess these are just pictures and the price is just for the back? What's the "value pack"?


The prices are just for the backs. The 'Classic' versions come with 1 year of warranty, and the back is shipped to Phase One for service. The Value pack versions come with 3 years of warranty, and a replacement unit will be supplied by Phase One while the original unit is serviced.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Have you heard anything about Phase on plans for the Hy6? I'd imagine they'd have an upgrade path when they appear?


Amy Goalen

New member
The price range for Phase One digital backs (or any digital back) has a few tiers. The lastest backs in the market (currently P45) is the $25k-$30k from a reputable dealer. The last generation backs are in the $15k-$20K range and the ones before that are in the $10k range.

Right now the biggest dealers for Phase One (in the US) is Digital Transitions in NYC. Here on the West Coast Calumet and Samy's Calumet are the biggest dealers.

Check out the digital backs from Leaf America as well. Great backs. Hopefully their software will catch up in the next release.

Also, Hasselblad will no doubt give us a run for the money with the new H3D camera shipping soon. Pricing on that unit is rumored to be $30k-$40k. Whew!


Paul Caldwell

New member

Amy, thanks for the info on new and old, plus dealer info. Unlike the 35mmDSLR market where everything is out in the open, I have found the Medium format market much more closer to the vest and hard get much info on.

Paul c.