Hello Asher.
These are the originals (only converted to jpeg and resolution changed)
So my general workflow is as following:
1. i shoot raw (with Nikon D200)
2. cf card to external reader on macbook pro
3. import and conversion to DNG into Lightroom (now 1.1)
4. selection of keepers with 'client' / 'model'
5. eventual cropping
6. decision to go for color or B/W
7. at this stage i burn a cd with preview resolution for final selection of 10 pictures
8. at end of session i copy and backup original nef's to harddisks / DVD's
9. when we agree on the 10 pictures, i start the PP
10. i do first remove elements distracting (like ceiling in No 3) mainly due to small studio, not paying attention to the details
11. if i judge some poses unflattering for the 'model' i crop different (like in No 4, where the upper part of the leg seemed way to dominant for me)
12. Then i remove blemishes(clone or healing brush), stray hair and distracting parts of cloth (clone)
13. eventually i use the liquify filter for some 'problem zones' (to straighten noses, too round belly, ...)
14. next comes the neating of the skin (highpass filter on new layer, blurring the result, inverting, changing blending mode, layer mask and painting the skin only)
15. cleaning up and lightening the eyes with dodge and burn
16. some sharpening
Here my normal workflow ends
For printing i do eventually some curves and highlight/shadow
This time i jumped 15 and 16 and went to the lucis art plugin directly.
I tried several effects on different layers and played with blending and masking, i.e. on effect only on clothing, a different for the rest and blending all together.
I did not want to use the more edgy possibilities of the plugin, so it takes some time to adjust the settings.
Personally i already like the results and Tania likes them even more.
But as always the effects would be used occasionally only.