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Please help: Problem with web display

This file here is an example:


The problem:

If it looks on your's like on loko's and my screen, then the foreground is way too dark, you see only shadows and the water, but no stones let aside gras.

What I did is:

1. PP in photoshop
2. change bit depth to 8 bit
3. convert to srgb
4. save for web

Now, on my mac with eizo and nec it looks correct when opened in safari.

Transferring the file to PC to share it here or with people results in the way to darl picture.

How can I sove that? What am I doing wrong?

Nill Toulme

New member
How do you have your monitors on the Mac calibrated? Is the PC's monitor calibrated?

I can see a reasonable amount of detail in the first image, good detail in the second.


Rhys Sage

pro member
I'm using right now an elderly Dell Dimension 4300S with its built-in graphics card and a new widescreen Samsung LCD monitor. The photos both look fine.

I contend that it could be that your monitor is an elderly CRT model that may need to be replaced.

Doug Kerr

Well-known member
Hi, Georg,

If it looks on your's like on loko's and my screen, then the foreground is way too dark, you see only shadows and the water, but no stones let aside gras.

Looks lovely here as my browser renders if from the post. Very dark and brooding, but good detail in the foreground stones and grass (the grass is in deep shadow).

Great shot, by the way.

Best regards,

same here on my Mac and Safari: looks good with details (grass is shadowed).


Hi, Georg,

Looks lovely here as my browser renders if from the post. Very dark and brooding, but good detail in the foreground stones and grass (the grass is in deep shadow).

Great shot, by the way.

Best regards,


Michael Fontana

pro member
okay folks
this is interesting for people with wide gamut displays, beeing sick of these oversaturated sRGB-colors. Firefox 3 can be made colormanaged as well:

"Note: Color management in FireFox3 is off by default. TO ENABLE COLORMANAGEMENT:

into the address bar. To turn it on, change the value of gfx.color_management.enabled to true and restart the Fire Fox browser. In addition to enabling color management in Firefox, you also should enter the name of the monitor profile - it's next to the enable/disable parameter in the parameters list that you get to by entering about:config in the address field."


works fine... and it's a huge difference...

or install a addon from here

Michael Fontana

pro member
You' re welcome Nicolas.
I found it sometimes quite difficult to °guess° colors here in the forum.

So from now on, when saving for web, I'll save with the sRGB-Profile.

BTW: The monitor profile's name is in the user's Library/Colorsync/Profiles