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Gary Ayala

New member
Snaps from Will Rogers (Los Angeles) versus Dallas can be found here:


The is the second polo match I've attended. The whole thing was way too relaxing to work hard. Even the match was relaxing with 7 minute Chukkas then a 15 minute rest. I was hoping to see these wild cavalry charges with horses and riders slamming into each other at full gallop ... nope ... not gonna happen ... a great games for old men and Nuns. All-in-all a very enjoyable and restful experience.




Kathy Rappaport

pro member
Nice Action


Nice action shots. Can you clone out the trash can's Waste Management sign on the first one? My eye wants to wander there and it takes away from the excellence of your image. Those images really shine! Bravo.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

I really want to see a wild match once I get the rules. I expected guys to be dropping down to the sides of their horse like Cossacks, fighting in the dust for the puck or whatever its called. Do we have to go to Afghanistan to see real action?

This seems pretty well mannered and the little dog in your pictures didn't seem too scare about the whole thing!


Gary Ayala

New member

Nice action shots. Can you clone out the trash can's Waste Management sign on the first one? My eye wants to wander there and it takes away from the excellence of your image. Those images really shine! Bravo.

Thanks Kathy ... yes a bit of cloning will help. Again, thanks for the suggestion.


Gary Ayala

New member

I really want to see a wild match once I get the rules. I expected guys to be dropping down to the sides of their horse like Cossacks, fighting in the dust for the puck or whatever its called. Do we have to go to Afghanistan to see real action?

This seems pretty well mannered and the little dog in your pictures didn't seem too scare about the whole thing!


Here I'm ready for Afghanistan when you are. It was quite well mannered and civil. I was just wanting something a bit different ... little more blood. Next time will be prepared for the relaxing experience with a cooler, some cavier and cheeses .. and Cookie (my Wheaten Terrier).

Too much of this for my tastes ...



PS- The happy little dog trotting along the horses after the match was great.


Well-known member
Sorry ... so what then is a chukka?
No answers yet?

Never mind that, I just wanted to say that I found these pictures to be amazing Gary.

The first pic is a classic but the second one is a great capture. Even the horses seem to be enjoying the game.

Thanks for showing.
