Paula Chamlee, herself an established East Coast Large Format Photographer, brings us through Lodima Press n unusual opportunity.
LODIMA PRESS | Limited availability |
From the Lodima Press Portfolio Book Series—Close at Hand,
a rare book by Robert Adams. |
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When printing books in offset lithography, there are always a few “overs” to replace potential damage at the bindery or in shipping. And because these books are rare, most of the authors in our Portfolio Book Series took the opportunity to sign extra copies of both the hardcover and softcover for eventual sale from the “overs.” Robert Adams agreed to sign a few of these “overs” in hardcover and the softcover editions.
A very limited number remain on the shelf: 12 signed (un-numbered) hardcovers and 16 signedsoftcovers.
(The signed and numbered hardcovers were part of the original subscription offer for which there were only 100 copies. Four of those are available due to subscription cancellation.)
The regular unsigned softcover remains available as well. |
In the series, each photographer submitted previously unpublished work for which they had a particular fondness. Adams wrote in his introduction,
. . . The truth is that for over forty years I have been making things in the shop to amuse Kerstin and to remind us both of what sweetens life. |
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