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Red Shouldered Hawks locked at the Talons.....

Eric Diller

New member
Went by Viera Saturday morning at made a few loops sound with Mark... the "BASS MAN". Soon after you left Mark i scored on these hawks in some sort of mating foreplay!

1 Red Shouldered Hawks in lock down!



Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Went by Viera Saturday morning at made a few loops sound with Mark... the "BASS MAN". Soon after you left Mark i scored on these hawks in some sort of mating foreplay!

1 Red Shouldered Hawks in lock down!


What about that single feather on the right? It looks like it's part of a ripped wing? This seems pretty frenetic! If that's foreplay, then I hate to thing what's next! Could be this is just a illusion of seeing the edge of the wing and nothing more!


Eric Diller

New member
Went by Viera Saturday morning at made a few loops sound with Mark... the "BASS MAN". Soon after you left Mark i scored on these hawks in some sort of mating foreplay!

1 Red Shouldered Hawks in lock down!


What about that single feather on the right? It looks like it's part of a ripped wing? This seems pretty frenetic! If that's foreplay, then I hate to thing what's next! Could be this is just a illusion of seeing the edge of the wing and nothing more!


Just an Illusion! Wing didn't look as bad as the photo indicated. Seems to be a lot of Hawks coming back and my second pair of Eagles have know returned to the area. Another great Eagle nesting season ahead!!