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Revolving camera

I got my Kirk (http://www.kirkphoto.com/) adapter and went to Adorama to get the complimentary Arca-Swiss accepting device.

The Arca-Swiss has a mechanism with bicycle style quick release that ads one more level of security at the same time as a faster way to get the camera in and out.

In my work (shooting installations and artwork for galleries) I spend a lot of time adjusting the tripod from horizon to portrait and back, so I hope this simple set up will "pay for itself" considering that time is euros.

If you notice, the lens remains almost in the same place when you revolve the camera.

Also the bracket is very light weight and very well machined... this is what Kirk says:

"These right-angle quick release "L-brackets" fit to the base of your camera or its accessory battery pack so you can quickly release, turn, and remount your camera for either a horizontal or vertical shot. No more flipping your tripod head on its side or upsetting your shooting position. These plates work especially well when you're using shorter macro, wide-angle, and tilt-shift lenses."

anyway, go to this address where I made a rolover ...



New member
Also check out http://reallyrightstuff.com/home.html.

They have a lot of innovative brackets (L and conventional), and superb clamps. One solution lets you mount your camera and rotate around the lens axis at any angle, without unclamping or re-clamping (http://reallyrightstuff.com/rrs/items.asp?Cc=CRD&iTpStatus=0&Tp=&Bc=).

I have no affiliation, other than a satisfied customer with an L-bracket for my H2 and a BH-55 clamping ballhead on my tripod.

You're right, Leonardo, these are a joy to use.
