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Just for Fun No C&C will be given: Reykjavík Moon Rising

Rajan Parrikar

pro member
Moonrise in the Bláfjöll area outside of Reykjavík. More images in the series here.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Impressive, clean, dramatic and colorful. I like it!


Hmm Rajan .........Hasn't that title been used already!

Rajan Parrikar

pro member
Impressive, clean, dramatic and colorful. I like it!


Hmm Rajan .........Hasn't that title been used already!


Of course, you know where that title is adapted from, but if I enter "Reykjavik Moon Rising" in Google there is no other entry.

I am still playing with the other exposures I made. The one I posted had to be aggressively worked on and it did not leave me completely satisfied with the end result. Here is another one -


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
The second moon is fiery and interesting.

Where are your scruples, Rajan? Would you even entertain dropping the moon closer to the hills?


Rajan Parrikar

pro member

The moon was obscured by clouds when it was closer to the horizon and just above the mountains. It came through only later. Whereas on the previous day (the first picture in my blog post), the sky was clear but less interesting.

Speaking of scruples, one guy on Luminous Landscape asked if I had cloned in the moon.