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Photographic Gems of Our Times From The Web Sam Irons 'Grid Reference'

Jerome Marot

Well-known member
British photographer Sam Irons captures deserted landscapes around the world in the series 'Grid Reference'. The images, which range from vacant lots to empty urban landmarks, are typically composed in a minimal manner with pastel colours. Irons says, "My work focuses on the landscape in which we live, that often goes unremarked and overlooked, and attempts to defamiliarize it – hopefully touching on a little of the mystery inherent in everything around us."

(Text from Ignant)


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

His work is too extensive, organized in his special way and unique, to come back with simple response that will not be trivial. So I am limited right now, even after 20 pictures! But at least I can say I am so impressed and appreciative, (once more), for getting pointed in the right direction.

Thanks so much for sharing,


Jerome Marot

Well-known member
I should be able to bring more of these "Gems from the web" in the following weeks. Will it be a problem if some of them are "not fit for work"?

Another image in the series:


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I should be able to bring more of these "Gems from the web" in the following weeks. Will it be a problem if some of them are "not fit for work"?

No problems at all! Just needs NSFW designation in title or prefix.

We are divers, but want to cover art as broadly as possible.

Only limits are work that is intended to inflame racial or religious tensions or humiliate a private person who is not a politician or other such public figure, demanding some progressive social response! I have no doubt that it will be hard to invoke censorship here by what our community would post.

Art must be free to push the boundaries of what we accept as "the given" and normal structure and expectations in life! Folk who might be offended by our license, can just pass by any thread that is labelled NSFW, just for that purpose to help with their level of comfort.

Others could frame this answer far more succinctly, but that's fine. I don't want anyone to get the idea that it is either a "free for all" or else P.C. censored and since those are incompatible concepts, a guide to our sense of balance is in order.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I should be able to bring more of these "Gems from the web" in the following weeks.

Wonderful! I am so looking forward to brooding my horizons like this. Saves a lot of airfares!!

Another image in the series:


Magnificent! Something I would never imagine. Someone, I guess has or will do their Ph.D. thesis on his work!

Do you know yet if he designates or just discovers the wrappings? If the former, then is he influenced by Christo?


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I do plan to put aside some time to delve deeper into these treasures, Jerome. It's very intriguing.
