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Should I dump my conatx 645


New member
Well I am not usng it and am old enough to feel naked without a 2 1/4 system . I got a mamiya afd to try I do not like it next to a contax without it there it feels okay . I thought about going to rollie I like the 6008 but what I can afford if i sell this contax system is A LEICA M8 ANY THOUGHTS???

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
dseelig said:
Well I am not usng it and am old enough to feel naked without a 2 1/4 system . I got a mamiya afd to try I do not like it next to a contax without it there it feels okay . I thought about going to rollie I like the 6008 but what I can afford if i sell this contax system is A LEICA M8 ANY THOUGHTS???


What are you shooting, B&W, slides or digital back? What are your subjects and what volume?

Unless we have an idea of what you want to photograph and what you want to do with the pictures and have an idea of your style, it is difficult to hazard a suggestion.

A lot of folk are in the same position of clinging on to great film cameras because it is humiliating to abandon such fine equipment. It seems to disrespect what we have for so long valued and held as something of worth.

In a way, the eclipse of such cameras points to our own relative unimportance too. We also will be pushed aside for the new and the smart.

Anyway, back to your wondering of what to do about your camera!

Before you do anything, maybe go out and shoot another roll of film in a park. How does it feel?

Get the pictures scanned and look at the files..........


BTW, if you PM me your full name, I'll update your user name to First and Last :)
i just purchased a contax 645 cause its one of the few systems which offer full digital implementation. and this for all the back manufactors. so a p20 or a e22 or aptus 22 or 17 would be an affortable solution for a hiend digital set...... why to sell it if you want to go digital?

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

I am using the M8 every day. I too have MF gear sitting unused :(.

Let us know what you really want to photograph and we can discuss whether or not the M8 might fit in to you needs or a back is more suitable.

IMHO. a used back for your Contax is hard to beat. Still the M8 has special qualities but needs to have someone who is is looking for its features.
