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Sinar Hy6 - 65 Camera Prices - Photokina Pre-Announcement

For your information, just released, prices for the Sinar Hy6 - 65 camera prices:

1. Sinar Hy6 - 65 ---> Euro 12'073.- (about US$ 17'200.-)

Scope of Delivery

- Sinar Hy6 Body
- Schneider AFD Xenotar 2.8/80 PQS lens
- Format Mask Hy6/65
- Sinar Hy6 65 back
- Firewire Cable 1394 B, 4.5 m
- Sinar V290 Battery, 7.2 V Li+
- Charger V290 Battery (including Mains adapter, and 12V Lighter cable)
- CF Card 4 GB
- CF Card Reader
- Gray Card
- Digital Cleaning Kit
- Sinarback Software on CD
- Sinar Hy6 System Case, empty

Availability: October 2008

2. Sinar Hy6 -s65r ---> Euro 15'841.- (about US$ 22'500.-)

Scope of Delivery

- Sinar Hy6 Body
- Schneider AFD Xenotar 2.8/80 PQS lens
- SB eMotion/Sinar Hy6 Revolving Adapter
- Format Mask Hy6/65
- Sinarback eSprit 65 LV
- Firewire Cable 1394 B, 4.5 m
- 2 Sinar V290 Batteries, 7.2 V Li+
- Twin Charger V290 Battery (including Mains adapter, and 12V Lighter cable)
- CF Card 4 GB
- CF Card Reader
- Gray Card
- White Shading Diffusor 100
- Digital Cleaning Kit
- Sinarback Software on CD
- Sinar Hy6 System Case, empty

Availability: October 2008

3. Sinarback eSprit 65 LV ---> Euro 10'854.- (about US$ 15'500.-)

Scope of Delivery

- Sinarback eSprit 65 LV
- Firewire Cable 1394 B, 4.5 m
- Sinar V290 Battery, 7.2 V Li+
- Charger V290 Battery (including Mains adapter, and 12V Lighter cable)
- CF Card 4 GB
- CF Card Reader
- Gray Card
- White Shading Diffusor 100
- Sinarback Software on CD
- Digital Cleaning Kit
- Sinarback Universal Case, empty

Availability: October 2008

All technical information concerning these 2 camera systems and this Sinarback has been mostly given in the following threads:


and here:


and here:


The brochure for these systems and digital back can be downloaded from here:


Go to "Downloads" ---> "Brochures".

For further questions, please visit us at our booth at Photokina, next week, for those able.

Best regards,
Last edited:
hi Asher,

it's the same 31,6 MPx Kodak sensor used by all:

CCD: Less than full frame CCD
Lens Factor: 1.3
Resolution: 31.6 mega pixels
Active pixels: 6496 x 4872 pixels
CCD size effective: 44.2 x 33.1 mm
Pixel size: 6.8 x 6.8 micron
Image ratio: 4:3
Microlens on CCD: Yes
Antiblooming: 10 f-stops
Dynamic range: 12 f-stops

ISO Range from 100 - 800

Best regards,

I can't find ISO ranges mentioned or pixel size!
hi Georg,

yes, prices are always given ex VAT.

"From stock": means available! Did a copy/paste action from a document indicating what is in stock and did not delete it.

Of course all listed is from stock, as per October '08.


Thank you Thierry.

Prices ex VAT?

What means "body from stock"

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Here's a question that applies to all the kodak sensor cameras having this tiny sensel pitch of 6.8 microns. Have you any results from Sinar's tests or other MFRS, for that matter, on the influence of aperture on the quality of the image? We'd expect the refraction wave interference caused by small apertures than f7.5 to 6.0 to images. This is due to the finer packed sensels defining aberrations instead of being averaged out and smoothed over as occurs with say 9.0 micron pixels. So what is the practical aperture beyond which full resolution defining sharpness and detail is degraded?


© Georg Baumann "Calm"

I'm surprised to see how good Georg Bauman's picture is at f 34. How much better might it have been at f 5.6-f11?


BTW, What are the prices for the M camera Georg is shooting with?

hi Asher,

it's the same 31,6 MPx Kodak sensor used by all:

CCD: Less than full frame CCD
Lens Factor: 1.3
Resolution: 31.6 mega pixels
Active pixels: 6496 x 4872 pixels
CCD size effective: 44.2 x 33.1 mm
Pixel size: 6.8 x 6.8 micron
Image ratio: 4:3
Microlens on CCD: Yes
Antiblooming: 10 f-stops
Dynamic range: 12 f-stops

ISO Range from 100 - 800

Best regards,

no, I did not perform such tests, yet. I expect the experts here to tell us this, although I rather believe in practical tests.

My guess, though, for a reproduction scale at infinity, is that f 16 will still be more than acceptable.

The near future will give us some hints.

Best regards,


Here's a question that applies to all the kodak sensor cameras having this tiny sensel pitch of 6.8 microns. Have you any results from Sinar's tests or other MFRS, for that matter, on the influence of aperture on the quality of the image? We'd expect the refraction wave interference caused by small apertures than f7.5 to 6.0 to images. This is due to the finer packed sensels defining aberrations instead of being averaged out and smoothed over as occurs with say 9.0 micron pixels. So what is the practical aperture beyond which full resolution defining sharpness and detail is degraded?


BTW, What are the prices for the M camera Georg is shooting with?

I deliberatly shoot with f 34 to see what the quality is like, and like you, I was most impressed. of course, the shutter speed was not short enough, and as a result the gentle breeze can be seen in the movements, but that was my fault, at higher ISO this would have been frozen in time so to speak.

I am just making my first steps with the M camera and I am delighted with the systems capabilities, taking into account that you can just add a prism fiunder and mirror box for convinience of shooting with other lenses and aperture automatic for example.

However, for a photography beginner like myself, it is quite a learning curve, and regardless me being a newbie to photography, I think it is always true to say that one needs to shoot many exposures with a particular lense to bring out the very best. Experience is invaluable in that respect, and I shoot only since a few days with it.

The modular concept of the M is suberb in deed.

The downside for me is the practicality in the field. Here is Hy6 might be a better option, which I don't know, I see this system first time in cologne.

When I say practicality, I mean the weight and transport options. The latter being the most important, but this can be solved with special pelicases suitable for the parts like prism fuinder, mirror box, and most of all this amazing wide angle lense.

Btw. without the battery grip, just the M and the wide angle, it is light enough to be a "walk around" medium format camera. ;)

As for the costs, I don't know US prices. But be prpared for a steep price in the 28mm, this quality comes at a price, and without having a chance to compare, I would not be astonished if this turns out to be the best wide angle of all.

It is a new experience for me to look through a view finder, and I find myself shooting much slower and thinking more about the shot. Which is a good thing and should provide me with a better quality in the long run, at the moment it is a learning curve only, but I enjoy this concept.

I know, this sounds probably ridiculous to you MFDB guys, but it would be a dream come true if such a system would provide splash water proofing and protection from the elements. The few days I was hauling the gear around in the field, it was frustrating how often I just had to leave it in the bag, because I could not wrap it up quick enough with the speed the rain comes and goes here at times. But I understand that this is mainly a studio camera and not constructed to provide protection from the elements.

In my understanding however, it is not rocket science to do that, and adding rubber seals to a body and lenses, of course would require some re design, but if available, probably would be a first as well, and this is something Sinar is good for in deed, innovation and listening to peoples needs. So who knows, may be the outdoor extra tough MFDB is something that can be expected in the future.

Just my 0.02 euros from a beginners perspective.


Thierry, gibt es fuer das 28er eine Geli, "lensehood?"
Can i just slip a question here? Thierry, as everything goes manual on the 28mm, is the strategy to expose as much to the right as possible the correct one?

What I try to understand, when the histogram looks correct on the back, and back in camera raw after converting to DNG, I sometimes see the blacks "burned out" in the yellow channel.

Wish I could have you here for a week to shoot with me and teach me using it!
hi Georg,

sorry for my late reply, but so busy before leaving to PK tomorrow morning.

My strategy to expose and have correct exposure is to read the histogram and make sure that "it" fits well. "its" being the areas in the subjects I want to have nice details: I can't say that I always expose to the right, sometimes yes, when I want to pull-out a bit more details in the shadows, but with being careful not to burn-out the highlights too much. A highlight recovery is a possibility, but how much one can "save" with it depends on the light situation and WHICH software is used.

bet regards,

Can i just slip a question here? Thierry, as everything goes manual on the 28mm, is the strategy to expose as much to the right as possible the correct one?

What I try to understand, when the histogram looks correct on the back, and back in camera raw after converting to DNG, I sometimes see the blacks "burned out" in the yellow channel.

Wish I could have you here for a week to shoot with me and teach me using it!