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Some type of moth

Mark Doodeman

New member
A few shots of a strikingly colorful moth that I found this summer. I was able to relocate it inside, where I could get some light on it. Other than trying to get some shots of it in its natural habitat, any suggestions? Thanks!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Hi Mark,

I agree this is a most handsome and distinguished moth. It has a lion's mane! Iguess the wing pattern means a lot to its buddies, to me it's striking.

Having said that, there are issues to be discussed.

Detailed background: Repeating, fine patterned, this draws attention away from the moth. This is so unnatural and informs us that likely it's a setup.

Color of background: There's no harmony with the colors of the moth. Yes, the moth stands out but choosing colors related to those of the moth might provide a visually pleasing experience. Currently it's limited to the amazing handsome moth with a lion's mane.

It's very difficult to photograph moths in the home as they don't naturally belong!

I'd extract the moth from the background and use them to build a more agreeable image that you can compose at your own pace.

Thanks so much for sharing.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Another matter, the large text! I was concerned you might be trying to sell something we wouldn't want to link to on your website, but you have some really nice images in your collections. However, the text shown here is really off-putting. I'd rather have a much bolder signature in a smaller image. Such large type should only be on a large version perhaps.


Mark Doodeman

New member
I was aware of the issue of the background pattern- I simply need a better fabric. I hadn't really considered backdrop color- now that you mention it, I have a nice green one that probably would have been much less obtrusive and made the moth colors stand out a bit.

As far as the watermark, you have a good point. The gallery software I use generates the watermark on the fly, so changing it to something less obtrusive should be a piece of cake- I'll work on it tonight.

Thanks a bunch for the tips! I have a few more that I will post later on, probably my grasshopper.