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The artist and her work

Antonio Correia

Well-known member

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

This is so fresh!

Beautiful mastery of plant forms. What’s her name and what do we know about her body of work?


Antonio Correia

Well-known member
She has beautiful work but before I give you the correct answer (I know in Portuguese but not sure in English) here is a view of some of her other works


Antonio Correia

Well-known member
I called the husband of the lady who told me that several techniques are involved among them hatching, silkscreen and engraving.
I am sure the techniques are correctly named as he speaks superbly coloquial English as his work required in UK.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I listened in Portuguese, Antonio and lament that I only can identify a few words like blanque and natura!

Damn, why did I learn just French, German and Hebrew as foreign languages!

I haven’t as yet found a link to her work in English!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Born in Lisbon, graduated in Mathematics from the University of Coimbra. Training and Artistic Activity: Painting, Drawing, H. Art, Aesthetics and Curatorship at SNBA and CCB, Lisbon | Engraving in the PR studio, Cascais; Edinburgh Printmakers, Edinburgh; AGAF, Diferença and FBAUL, Lisbon; Headquarters, Porto; Guard Museum. Member of the National Society of Fine Arts (SNBA) and the Água-Forte Engraving Association (AGAF). He develops and exhibits individual and collective, national and international projects in the field of Engraving. Present in Engraving/Graphic Works Biennials, as selected or invited in Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Belgium, Macedonia, India and Japan