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The dance

romain claris

pro member
This with great pleasure that I share today my video art work "The dance" that has been selected in India for the prestigious Kalakari Film Awards.

Free interpretation of Henri Matisse's "The Dance" (1910). A reflection on time, on immobility, on the movement to come. The short film "La danse" deals with the evocation of the double and the superposition, of what precedes and what follows. It is an invitation to experience the pure joy of the dance itself.

Film made for the photography and video exhibition by Nicolas Claris and Romain Claris.
Choreography - Chloé Guêze
Dance - Morgane Bafcop, Margerie Chesnais, Inti Gonzalez, Emmanuelle Jutan, Anaïs Tsouknakis

Link towards the entire short film (3 min 51) :



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