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Film: The Gap

The gap between rich and poor have never been - even in our troubled past here in South Africa - as great as it is now. I generally don't like photographing unfortunate people, and tried here not to focus as much on the sitting man, as on the contrast of the scene. I took this picture while drawing cash from an ATM machine.

"The Gap"

(Olympus OM-1, 90mm at f/2.0, Ilford FP4+, 8x10in hand print - scanned with Epson V700)

Mike Shimwell

New member
Not in any way perjorative, every day in any city I've ever visited. But I think that you are right and the gap in your home is greater than in many other places, David. I share your discomfort with photographing those who are unfortunate - too often the resulting pictures seem to be trophy's at their expense, only compounding their powerlessness and lack of self determination. I think you have avoided that here by your words and presentation.


Ruben Alfu

New member
Hi Dawid,

I think this is a risky theme, among other things, because it's easy to label as cliche. What calls my attention here is where you place us, the viewers: an enclosed, protected environment. Isn't that a gap too? Interesting twist to the cliche :)
What calls my attention here is where you place us, the viewers: an enclosed, protected environment. Isn't that a gap too? Interesting twist to the cliche :)

It is indeed another gap, yes. Although not as "protected" as what it seems, this is just a glass pane, it's open on the left hand side.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Dawid, this is a great document, I like it's perspective here. I'd like to see more photographs on the plight of these people and the angles you choose to document them.

You should start a project in documenting these guys, in stark contrast to the World cup that is currently happening in your country.

I did and still am, here are a few images of mine: http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulyrichard/sets/72157616519704628/

I agree! When you do that, Dawid, you will then be able to show your followers what values you yourself bring to this project and the resulting filtered collection. I am not worried about exploitation here. This is the profession of a particular type of begging. There is nothing undignified about it! The man has usually his defined spot, set of clothes and image he projects. One can do this with respect and so there should be no reason not to show the images.

If you show their humanity and raise moral awareness as well, then that's a good thing.
