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The Human Form As Art

Leonardo Boher

pro member
Well, my most under rated picture, the most irrelevant one for the human eye and the process of "viewing". The picture that no body will waste more than 2 seconds viewing it. The picture that will make you say that I'm a crazy megalomaniac and I don't really care.

The picture that I consider THE PARADIGM!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Well, my most under rated picture, the most irrelevant one for the human eye and the process of "viewing". The picture that no body will waste more than 2 seconds viewing it. The picture that will make you say that I'm a crazy megalomaniac and I don't really care.

The picture that I consider THE PARADIGM!


Thanks for the kindness in sharing and the self-effacing humor!

Why give us you most under rated picture? Still, I do not think you are a crazy megalomaniac for that particular reason, although, now you mention it, it does raise questions on why you would use the word "Paradigm", worse, with the definite article and even more improbable, delivered, capitalized!

What paradigm? "The" paradigm. That puzzles me more than the picture, LOL!

Putting that aside, the photograph interests me for all its layers. Having layers is essentially what gets uncovered in a good drama, with each scene undoing one more level of structure hiding the truth or the lies!

Here you have provided different smooth and patterned textures and core it seems is going to be related to the woman being undressed. This part of the image construction I do find agreeable.

The upturn in the cloth in the lower left did annoy me at first but then I see it repeats the unfolding pattern of cloth around her. So I'm now not sure of that part of the composition. I'm now not even certain this is a thigh but instead perhaps an arm? I wish there was more form to the limb and it wasn't foreshortened. That's not because I like it so much that I want more, rather I think the composition might be more satisfying showing more of the form that is not shown. So, is that lack of definition then related to use "The"? That I cannot fathom as yet.

The lighting seems forced, but maybe that's the point, like sunrise or sunset, starting or ending a chapter in her life. Is that then the paradigm?

The fact that I'm still so puzzled argues against either my wit, education and understanding or that the picture represents nothing archetypical or clearly defined or executed.

Despite these reservations I'm intrigued enough to want to see more of this shoot and learn about your thoughts that led you to give this strange image such a definite but incomprehensible title


Leonardo Boher

pro member

Thanks for the kindness in sharing and the self-effacing humor!

Why give us you most under rated picture? Still, I do not think you are a crazy megalomaniac for that particular reason, although, now you mention it, it does raise questions on why you would use the word "Paradigm", worse, with the definite article and even more improbable, delivered, capitalized!

What paradigm? "The" paradigm. That puzzles me more than the picture, LOL!

Putting that aside, the photograph interests me for all its layers. Having layers is essentially what gets uncovered in a good drama, with each scene undoing one more level of structure hiding the truth or the lies!

Here you have provided different smooth and patterned textures and core it seems is going to be related to the woman being undressed. This part of the image construction I do find agreeable.

The upturn in the cloth in the lower left did annoy me at first but then I see it repeats the unfolding pattern of cloth around her. So I'm now not sure of that part of the composition. I'm now not even certain this is a thigh but instead perhaps an arm? I wish there was more form to the limb and it wasn't foreshortened. That's not because I like it so much that I want more, rather I think the composition might be more satisfying showing more of the form that is not shown. So, is that lack of definition then related to use "The"? That I cannot fathom as yet.

The lighting seems forced, but maybe that's the point, like sunrise or sunset, starting or ending a chapter in her life. Is that then the paradigm?

The fact that I'm still so puzzled argues against either my wit, education and understanding or that the picture represents nothing archetypical or clearly defined or executed.

Despite these reservations I'm intrigued enough to want to see more of this shoot and learn about your thoughts that led you to give this strange image such a definite but incomprehensible title


Hi Asher!

Well... Going by parts, as Dr. Jackill said XD

Underrated because most people don't try to figure out what's there. Something like "I don't recognice, I don't like, I keep walking", this picture goes far beyond the way the brain recognices and identifies shapes and forms. Some people see the image as it was meant, others see the image as they are meant. Each person see different things here, but mostly nothing.

Because all what you say here, I consider this image, but not the image it self, but the idea that generates inside each brain, The Paradigm. Capitalized, becuase I felt like a public speech before thousand of empty spaces! Like Obama in his speech where there were thousand of people, but without people. A megalomaniac soliloquy!!! That's why it was capitalized! =D

The Paradigm of photography! Why? Because one form (this photo) represents many forms, many ideas and most of them are stated by each mind as the only one. We are familiarized that a picture is more a "pictrue" and we state many different points of view with imperative words. This picture is not only rich in meanings, also rich in shapes. It's illusory and real at teh same time. "Having layers is essentially what gets uncovered in a good drama, with each scene undoing one more level of structure hiding the truth or the lies!" and here is the point! Lie or Truth, Truth or Lies, they really exists? Most of the time our concepts, our languaje doesn't fit with the meaning. This picture escapes from the index, escapes from the icon, the symbols and the meanings at the same time that it has all those parameters, hidden in the apparent "non structure" of the picture or "pictrue" The structure is there, but not visible at first sight. To see the structure, we should set our perception in other way, not in the expected. We barely can distinguish the index here. But the index is there.
Photography represents reality, well, this photograph doesn't and it does, instantly represents many realities and unrealities and illusions and the thing it self. This is not a photography at the same time it's. This photo argues against the concept of Photography at the same time it's a photograph! It's bloody fantastic!

The light was coming from window and a 500 watts lamp I had near the bed. Spontaneus shot while my girlfriend was sleeping.

Yes!!! That's part of the arm, specially the elbow, which is not iside the frame. Looking at this picture in that way you can draw in your brain the other parts of the body. Most people don't see that part of the arm and they finish stating that the image is: 1) a biceps (I did a big effrot and yeah, looks like a biceps) 2) A rape/violation (to see that, you have to inconsciusly think on rapes and read the image as the iliac bone is the butt and her back is a leg, but looking the picture in that way looks untidy composed) and 3) a lying body with the sex looking straight to the camera, legs opened like a V but you only see 1 leg (which is the her back and torso, in terms of something more graphic, imagine a girl droped on the floor and the camera put on the floor as well, between her legs) I also have to do a big effort in order to see the biceps, the rape and the lying subject because I see what I represented.

The image doesn't need a bigger framming because what I portrayed is The Paradigm! The Paradigm of Women! and, therefore, The Paradigm of Photography!!! And what's that!? The iliac bone in her hip ^^ I love that bone, I consider it the most sexiest part of the female body :) That's why the iliac is almost in the third of the framming :)

I will send you the image explained to your inbox :) So the mistery and the underating keeps the same ^^

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Leo's Paradigm of cloths, girl and undressing: A Workout in a Gymnasium of the Mind!

Well, Leo,

Here we can see your girlfriend in so many ways.


Leonardo Boher Paradigm "Right Shoulder" Imagined view & Mark-Up ADK


Leonardo Boher Paradigm "Lying Right Side" Imagined View and Mark-Up ADK


Leonardo Boher Paradigm "Right Thigh" Imagined view & Mark-Up ADK

I'll make no apology for my reference to cold bony landmarks to orientate us where we put our more sublime imagined flirtations with fantasy.


© Leonardo Boher The Paradigm

So in your photograph of your girlfriend, come across by chance as she was sleeping, you have chosen a form which can be read from left to right, back to front and upside down in so many variations. However, the world you have chosen for us is of "The young lovely sexual female and the topic of undressing and sex". Like the wanderer on a beach finding driftwood, found art, you have noticed so much in the elemental forms of our natural world. So you have made for us a directed set of exercises in the Gymnasium for the Mind. You do not allow us utter freedom! Just in your particular art, you have narrowed down the exercise to just the question of "How, why, when and to what purpose she might be undressed or undressing."

Thighs spread Apart: One possibility I did not think of was her thighs spread apart. Maybe I ought to visit the local LA Gym and develop a bouquet of new possibilities.

Thanks for sharing!

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Andy brown

Well-known member
Apparently my familiarity with the semi naked form is well honed.

I was never in any doubt about her orientation.
I too am a fan of that hip bone in a woman ( amongst other things).
I knew that was an arm, I'm even well versed in the direction of those faint veins.

Lovely image, very subtle, very, very sexy. In light of recent threads, I make no apologies for my feelings here. I think the female( as well as the male human form) should be revered for its raw humanness, whatever that may be in the eye of the beholder.

Leonardo Boher

pro member
Asher Kelman said:
© Leonardo Boher The Paradigm

So in your photograph of your girlfriend, come across by chance as she was sleeping, you have chosen a form which can be read from left to right, back to front and upside down in so many variations. However, the world you have chosen for us is of "The young lovely sexual female and the topic of undressing and sex". Like the wanderer on a beach finding driftwood, found art, you have noticed so much in the elemental forms of our natural world. So you have made for us a directed set of exercises in the Gymnasium for the Mind. You do not allow us utter freedom! Just in your particular art, you have narrowed down the exercise to just the question of "How, why, when and to what purpose she might be undressed or undressing."

Thighs spread Apart: One possibility I did not think of was her thighs spread apart. Maybe I ought to visit the local LA Gym and develop a bouquet of new possibilities.

Well... I just wanted to portray the hip bone, the iliac and that was my reading, from left to right. I posted this image in other forum (where I have received lot of empty critiques, it was from Spain) and in that website, people saw the many ways of looking at this image. the 80% of them, read it from right to left, a 15% thought it was a biceps and just the 5% saw exactly what I wanted to do. I didn't know it could be a bicep there, or a right to left reading. However, all that people (except the 5%) just said this image was a puke. After looking at the picture for many hours, I saw the bicep and the right to left idea of rape. I was amazed when I discovered those point of view and then, I saw something that no one have seen, which is the angle from below (right thigh view). I asked to many friends "What you see here" and most of them saw the same I did, so I figured that maybe Spanish people tends to see only the recognizible forms and shapes as something acceptable... Weird thing. Most people doesn't notice the arm, which is the only reference in order to read the image from Left to Right.

This is my only picture with such variants, but I didn't want that way. It was really a surprise seeing all that ways, depisting the bad critiques =D

I will upload something more appealing in few minutes :) And less abstract :)

Thanks for taking the time, long time to understand the image. You know, some images are so subjective that needs an explaniation. I don't believe a perfect photo doesn't needs of explaniations, all the opposite: the more subjetive the photo, the more difficult to decode. In fact, just a certain number of people can decode a certain image. The universal pictures are just silly to me because they're based in the universal codes of visual languaje, thus, I enjoy them too and most of my pictures are that way. You know, I would like to see the world like inverted, like a negative image instead a positive one. You know, all the opposite to the G.E.S.T.A.L.T. =D =D =D It's hard!
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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

If it's an engaging image and pays off eventually, then it's worthwhile.

Aside: So I appreciate your photograph, but not yet your title, "The Paradigm"! Perhaps you really mean that her pose here is a template for "common shapes can be confused in the absence of the clues sound, detail or movement." You'll admit, that's hardly profound or inviting!"The Paradigm" might yet be proved to be the perfect title by some art academic or museum curator. To most of us, I reckon, this title demands too much mental energy, wine and the risk turning people off! We like to have fun, generally with far less pain!

So let's consider something gentler and more inviting. After all the picture is esthetically agreeable!


© Leonardo Baher "Sleeping" title proposed by ADK

Now we are merely peeping into her bedroom, as she sleeps, just as you did then and we try to see what's there; a simple happenstance experience.

Then, and only then, I'd find it as "art". :)


On need for explanations in art, that's an entirely new subject and an essay too long for this post!

Leonardo Boher

pro member

Apparently my familiarity with the semi naked form is well honed.

I was never in any doubt about her orientation.
I too am a fan of that hip bone in a woman ( amongst other things).
I knew that was an arm, I'm even well versed in the direction of those faint veins.

Lovely image, very subtle, very, very sexy. In light of recent threads, I make no apologies for my feelings here. I think the female( as well as the male human form) should be revered for its raw humanness, whatever that may be in the eye of the beholder.

Wow... Yeah, I agree a lot with that. Specially women for me. Yeah, the male body is cool if well constructed, you know. I found 2 well diferenced feelings towards male body or female body, very conservative, let say. For male, I like hard contrasts, hard ratios and for women, softer ones. I related men with machinery and roughness, as common and women with the absolute perfection in all its forms. I'm a fan of women, specially does who are delicate and have a delicate body as well. I also like a lot the skin, the surface of the skin and the texture is so cool! The glossines of skin also. And here, the seno line is the detail as well ^^

I uploaded another one here: http://www.openphotographyforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8485 :)

Thanks for the comment :)

Leonardo Boher

pro member
Hey man!

Well yeah, I try to synthethize in 1 or 2 words the idea of the picture, I'm honestly not good at giving titles to my pictures, but you're absolutely right about "common shapes can be confused in the absence of the clues sound, detail or movement." You know, there is some kind of thing between photography and paintings and I personally believe that this picture is like a stick hit in the painter's legs XD Well, not only in the legs, may be the head as well XD JejE...

I will do another picture like this. Doug gave me a good idea XD It will be a surprise :)

About the title... Well "Sleeping" or "Sleepeeping", I don't know... The Iliac is the thing here and also it's not. It's and it's not whatever thing we can write. That's why I think it's The Paradigm! And the paradigm of female form. The IliaC! That's the Paradigm! Yeah, I think so.

'Bout the people, well... Some people hate me others love me, that's fine :)

Thanks for commenting, Asher. Here you will find something interesting as well: http://www.openphotographyforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8485

Enjoy!!! :)

Leo :)
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Doug Earle

New member
Another of your well done bodyscapes, with attention to light, tone, texture and line. you gave us just the proper amount of information to see--not too much, not too little. Well done.

Leonardo Boher

pro member
Yeah, of course, if you don't mind walking without hands after that, it's okay =D =D

JAjajJAj Well... Don't think you still have your feets! I have a chainsaw in the backroom that needs to be sharpened! I've heard that human bones are perfect for that! XD JAja... No really, better if we "cut off" the gore stuff JEjej =D =D =D

Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member

I like the way you think -something as always not the usual- I like that in my work too

this picture is not the obvious-is it? I like that, you must look at the image to feel it out-

definitely I see it as female
and can also feel her asleep- yes I can
the light is beautiful

I really like how you portray and see females


Leonardo Boher

pro member

I like the way you think -something as always not the usual- I like that in my work too

this picture is not the obvious-is it? I like that, you must look at the image to feel it out-

definitely I see it as female
and can also feel her asleep- yes I can
the light is beautiful

I really like how you portray and see females


Thank you Charlotte :) But I don't consider all females in the same way. Just the ones who are transparent and sincere. Females trying to be like men, I don't consider those ones. I reserved the right to shot or not to shot when having to shot to females. Before taking these pics, I asked for a photo of the subject in affair, after that, I make the desicition to shot or not.
Yes, I'm very selective. But some times, I shot to females which only wants to brag with their sexy shaped bodies ^^