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The new phase/mamiya camera...what does everyone think?

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Hi Eric,

It does not say clearly in what way this is different from what was available last week or hte week before! If it does, I missed it? What is there new beyond a texas cattle brand on the front saying Phase One. I do like the idea of two great companies joining together. Looking forward to a happy marriage!



New member
I agree with Asher.

I'd also like the option of going with a waist-level finder for low-angle shots--still not an option, and the Mamiya glass has never wow'ed me. Studio shooters (not me) still don't have leaf shutters, although some are promised (date? focal lengths? manufacturer??).

I see this pretty much as an update of a pretty capable camera, with Phase One getting permission to stick their name on the front.


marc wilson

pro member
I may be wrong here but I'm pretty sure the phase one, as the branded mamiya, is the afdIII with another name..the new features of the AFDIII over the II can be found on the mamiya website.
I remember reading somewhere, for example, that anyone buying a AFDII with phase one back now will get free upgrade to phase camera / III when it is out...but don't quote me on that!

For waist level finder users the 645 mamiya or varient of will never be right, although there is talk of a brand new phase/mamiya body in the near future.

There are also some new lenses being made..such as 45-90mm as well of course the ability to use hasselblad v lenses via an included adapter.


Paul Caldwell

New member
Phase One Mamiya

I believe the Phase One body is going to be the Mamiya AFD III rebadged. Features that you find on the Mamiya site should be totally the same on the Phase one body. Of course Phase one may have some unique back communication developed that only comes on their version of the body.

It's also my understanding the the Phase One Lenses, with the metal barrels will by made by Mamiya. The first one is the re worked 80mm f2.8. It's still anyone's guess as to if Mamiya will market the lenses with the metal barrels under their name also.

Mamiya of course just anno'd the 45-90 and 150 in the "digital" line. It will be interesting to see when Phase One brings out more of their lenses, just what specs they have.

Paul C