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The Three Amigos

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
It's herlpful to show the actual picture you refger to. We get a whole slide show from the link you have provided.

I do like your pictures of dogs and lovely owners! You should show more. However, since this is about photography, linking the image as below is better if you can do it! The web is about immediacy. Are you making any sales or is this just family. Please give context with camera, lens, lighting etc so others can emulate or comment!


Are they the Three Amigos"?


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
One simply puts the url of the image between

To get the url, if you don't know otherwise, simply drag the image from your website to a new browser window which will now display your image and voila the url will be in the address bar! That's how I got your image to appear above!

That's the simple way.

I love those pictures of the dogs. Were they just really well behaved or did you have a trick to get them to hold still long enough to snap the picture? I've tried several times with my dog and my parents dog to try to "pose" them a little and they never hold still long enough for me to get to my camera to snap the picture.

Kathy Rappaport

pro member
Key is a treat

The key is to get the dogs interested in something that will get their attention. Food and favorite toys usually work well. .

I have one dog (A Cairn Terrier who is almost black) who will do a down stay as soon as she sees a treat. We only gave her a treat when she was in a down position as a puppy and now we just need to go to the pantry or cookie jar and she does it in anticipation. My other dog, who is a better color for photographing (he's a tan Lhasa Apso) sees the camera now and turns his head away as if to say "Go Away - I do not want my picture taken today"
I might have to try that. It would probably work with my parents' dog, but if my dog sees a treat, she just gets excited and tries to get as close to me as possible. She'll usually be sitting, but she slowly scoot towards me. It's pretty funny but makes it hard to take a picture. I'll have to work with her on that and see if I can actually get her to stay.