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Trouble with Mac OS Sonoma.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
There have been growing reports of Sonoma degrading the functions of finder.

Blocks of image files can vanish. It goes slower and slower.

I have used multiple antivirus apps and no malicious programs are found.

So I have reverted back to Ventura using a $35 USB stick with a Ventura installation, (from Amazon), as that software is no longer available from the App store!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I advise everyone to turn off “automatically keep software up to date” and always maintain the previous well tested software in its own volume or boot drive so you can revert back to safety without oain!


Robert Watcher

Well-known member
I advise everyone to turn off “automatically keep software up to date” and always maintain the previous well tested software in its own volume or boot drive so you can revert back to safety without oain!


So strange. I guess I am lucky. I have never had an issue with Sonoma. I have been running it since it came out back in Sept 2023. My current version is Sonoma 14.5 which I would have installed back in May of this year. I am one of those guys who installs updates as soon as they come out and done that for years on both my computers and my mobile devices - never an issue. I have never use Antivirus software on my Macs, feeling it isn’t necessary. So far so good.

One reason that I never get too worried about things like that though, is because 20 or more years ago I made a decision to never use the computers built in hard drive for any files other than program files. All work files are stored and edited from external drives. I learned that lesson after having a main hard drive fail and losing programs that I had paid for plus all of my work files.

Nowadays, I don’t worry about losing programs I have paid for as things have changed so much from the days when I went to a computer store or Staples and paid $700 for Photoshop and hundreds of dollars for other programs. Everything I have purchased is online and I can access fresh downloads at any time. Plus my complete Mac hard drive is fully backed up on iCloud. I just get another computer of iPad and sign into my Apple account and I am back in business. My work files are all external hard drives so good to go.

So sorry to hear you are having those concerns and issues Asher. Your suggestion of having a backup boot drive is a good one I am sure. I have never made one. I do have to admit that I use very basis gear (computers) though so maybe higher spec’d Mac’s with more features are seeing more problems.

I have been in the process of moving around hundreds of thousands of image files from, to and between multiple large 14 and 16 TB hard drives from older 4 TB back up drives, over the last few weeks - without an issue or loss of any files. Then again, worse case scenario for me is that I have absolutely every photo and video file in my possession backed up to BackBlaze with new files being added on every day. If I lose everything, BackBlaze will courier me a hard drive with everything to restore or rebuild my library. I don’t currently have any usb-c hubs but I do have a powered 10 port standard usb hub that powers all of my external hard drives and memory card readers etc. It has worked flawlessly under ever macOS I have used so far.

I did notice that the article you posted is related to Sonoma 14.4 and is dated back in March of this year. I’m sure most of the issues have been sorted out with updates that Apple constantly put out to resolve issues. You may want to give Sonoma 14.5 a try. I love many of the subtle functionality and improvements that Apple puts into each new version.
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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I tried the latest Sonoma and it’s just as slow.

It could be that you are missing some incompatible program or plugin that everyone else has gotten!


Robert Watcher

Well-known member
I tried the latest Sonoma and it’s just as slow.

It could be that you are missing some incompatible program or plugin that everyone else has gotten!


That could be. I keep everything pretty basic. My MacMini workstation has pro grade applications for photo, video editing and audio recording and web development tools - and that is about it. As well I am not using extremely high resolution large file size camera files or extreme video codecs, which probably saves me some grief. I am only running one 4K 30” monitor, so not a huge demand on resources. Too I have nothing else to compare to, so I really can’t tell if my machine is slower compared to an older macOS - or a RAM loaded fastest processor. Mine is the first generation M1 with 8GB of RAM and a built in 256GB SSD.

Obviously if you are finding that Ventura runs faster than Sonoma on your machine, it would make sense to use it.
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Jerome Marot

Well-known member
The problems with the finder and Sonoma are reported to be linked to iCloud. Deactivating iCloud may allow you to get access back to these files.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
The problems with the finder and Sonoma are reported to be linked to iCloud. Deactivating iCloud may allow you to get access back to these files.
Yes! But it’s an 8 armed octopus at work. USB drives can be affected. Java and certain other programs. If one is having zero problems, then just don’t add anything new and maintain strict backups.

But it does make sense to go back to Ventura as one update, say of Affinity on On1 RAW could trigger issues.

I would rather do the downgrade at leisure than after a problem.

However, for anyone not changing a thing in software or plugins, if Sonoma happens to work fine, I would sit tight and be happy


Jerome Marot

Well-known member
I am using Sonoma and do not notice any problems, but I don't use the iCloud drive. Of course, that is a single datapoint.

OSX has also a function capable of listing all installed software. If you have a very old installation, it may be worth your time to use it to find old software, e.g. running on 32 bits and clean things up a bit.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I am using Sonoma and do not notice any problems, but I don't use the iCloud drive. Of course, that is a single datapoint.

OSX has also a function capable of listing all installed software. If you have a very old installation, it may be worth your time to use it to find old software, e.g. running on 32 bits and clean things up a bit.
Thanks, Jérôme!

Great ideas. So here’s a few pointers

A. As to locating all installed apps on a Mac:

From Stack Exchange:

1. Try: About This Mac > More Info > System Report > Software

2. Using Terminal

“If you're just looking for a list of applications with a .app extension then starting the Terminal and running
find / -iname *.app > ~/applications.txt

will (eventually) give you a pretty comprehensive list of applications, written to a text file called "applications.txt" in your Home folder”

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
B. As for 32 BIT vintage applications installed on your Mac:

  1. Choose Apple menu  > About This Mac, then click the System Report button.
  2. Select Legacy Software in the sidebar. All legacy software is 32-bit.
  3. If you don't see Legacy Software in the sidebar, select Applications in the sidebar, then check the list of apps on the right.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Even though I have regressed back to Ventura, I plan to still check for unneeded vintage programs or ones needing updating and to cleanse my Mac of any residual 32 BIT apps!