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Yay for more work :]

Kaila Maree

New member
I was going through a couple of my pictures and found a nice one I did way back during the summer time!


I really like it :]

heres another one! One of my firsts acutally!


annd this one is sorta recent?


enjoy :D

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

I do like your hidden one half of each face. The first picture with the yellow flower is pleasant to look at. These three pictures go together well. I look forward to seeing much more of your work so I can get a fix on where your are at!


Kathy Rappaport

pro member

I like the partial face pose too. My favorite is the 2nd one. The first one looks a bit out of focus and the 3rd is a bit grainy for my taste. Thanks for sharing.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Hi Kathy,

Let's address "focus" and "grainy" :)

For delivering formal pictures or to emulate and extend the work of great work like that of Ansel Adams, then for sure, these technical aspects or so important, the sine qua non of decent presentation.

Here however, these very same parameters are not important as is whether or not it is projected on the the wall, printed on the side of a truck, rendered in pigment ink or as a C Print. Why the difference and permissiveness?

The answer is related to individual expression and truth as the artist sees it. When, as I imagine the case is here, we are presented with an image clearly signaled as part of or representing fantasy, then the art is what the artist presents.

I'm in synch with your approach to stating your preferences. It's taste that you have issue with. I personally have no big issue with the limited DOF in the first image; the girlis in focus, just not the grass in the very front.


I must admit, I would have cheated and replaced the OOF grass!