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Just for Fun No C&C will be given: Yellow Flower

Larry Brown

New member
This is my first post in the Close-up and Macro section of the forum.I am not a flower person so I don't know the ID but wanted to post some closeups. The flower was about an inch or so in diameter.The Bokeh exibited in these images were from light peeking thru a bush while I was in a shaded area, I held up the flower shown, dialed down the onboard flash by 1 stop and shot these hand held. Exif should be intact and I hope you enjoy the images!



Images by Larry Brown-Pentax K20D and DA35mm 2.8 Limited 1:1

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Images by Larry Brown-Pentax K20D and DA35mm 2.8 Limited 1:1


I like this first image and would be happy to see it on my wall for some time. The OOF lighting gives a startling reaction and one is awake! A good effect. It might be better if you opened up to the f 2.8 of the lens. You bokeh would be likely much more dreamy. The other idea I have to share is that when one uses this lens handheld, (I'm not sure if the lens is image stabilized) one can expect a benefit from going for a faster shutter. So open the aperture and increasing the speed would give a sharper, dreamier image. Also, there's likely room for increasing the ISO to 200 at little lost in the dynamic range or the risk of introducing noise.

Thanks for sharing. Cheers to Pentax to making good light "Limited" lenses!


Larry Brown

New member
Thanks Asher for your comments and the info. At the time I was shooting this one and some others, I was at a customers preparing their pool for the season and saw a few flowers in bloom.
I did take a few at a larger aperture and the image below was the widest I took in that series. It wasn't till I stopped down I got the star-burst effect while also increasing the DOF which was helpful being I was both holding the camera and the flower(@ 6 inches away).
The K series of Pentax DSLR's have in body stabilization and good for about 3 to 4 stops of usefulness. The image below was shot at f3.2, the largest aperture I used in this series of shots I took with these conditions. The bokeh was less edgy but more round, lacked the star-burst and the DOF was acceptable but at least for me the flower was less in total focus but acceptable.
The DA 35mm Limited is my walk around lens, stays on my camera the most of the time as it does it all and gives me a about a 50mm with the crop factor of my camera. Thanks again!
