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Jeff O'Neil

New member
This is Zeus. ABout a year ago Zeus was adopted by our neighbors who lived one floor above us ina Century home we were living in. Our apartment became Zeus's cottage! He was the communal dog for quite a while. Very gentle dog. The first shot is Zeus looking through one of my wifes tropical plants that she keeps on the balcony during the summer. Zues likes to be bathed..but not rinsed! This is him hiding inthe plants.


In this shot he was simply missing his new Mom and Dad who were away. I caught this in one of his melancholy moments.


Very pleased to anounce that Zeus is a well adjusted and quite happy "rescued dog"!

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

I really like the first picture as it has an artistic quality to it. The dog looks as if he's checking things out and that's interesting. I think this is a good project to focus on, just the dog and the plants, as you have done. Could you post what camera and setting you used? Does the dog return to this same vantage point or is this pose used up alread?

Thanks for sharing,


Jeff O'Neil

New member
Asher Kelman said:

I really like the first picture as it has an artistic quality to it. The dog looks as if he's checking things out and that's interesting. I think this is a good project to focus on, just the dog and the plants, as you have done. Could you post what camera and setting you used? Does the dog return to this same vantage point or is this pose used up alread?

Thanks for sharing,


Hi Asher,

Again thank you for your comments. As an avid amatuer I don't like taking snapshots. I have often walked away not having taken anything as nothing stood out to me artistically. Not sure how many of you work, but I often see the picture in my mind before I take the shot. The photograhic result is just a capture of what I saw about to unfold.

The first picture was a one time event. While taking care of Zeus he had a bit of a "doggy" smell after a romp in the park so my wife decided to bathe him on our back deck. Zues loved being bathed and loved up but was seriously not in favour of the cold water rinse from the hose. He went and stood behind the plant unitl my wife went and shut off the hose!

Zues always had an interesting look on his face and you can see it in these two photo's. He was a dog that had been rescued and adopted by two wonderful people who just love him to death. But he always had a look of sadness or mistrust when he was not with his new owners. That look made him a favorite subject of mine.

We work from home so we daily brought Zues downstairs to visit so he was very much a communal dog. I think I pointed out that he was at our apartment so often he thought of it as his cottage!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Hi John,

Well, the great thing about this dog is that he's handsome with an attitude that evokes human feelings we can identify with. I think you have a marvelous subject for refining a series of portraits with great meaning and impact. IMHO, this, alone could be your work for the next month. All the other types of casual pet photographs are everyday and there inherent value lies only in personal feeling for the pet you love.s

The special nature of the first picture, looking through the leaves, is that it evokes a consideration of our compassion and identification with "looking in" to a world from outside. This, then becomes a universal metaphor and transcends being a snapshot of a loving pet.

Not everyone has, at there doorstep, such a sympathetic subject. Photographing pets is obviously not easy. However, now you have a great subject, you might work with lighting, which in itself, wil be a huge challenge.


Jeff O'Neil

New member
Asher..alas I have lost my subject. We bought a house in July and Zues's owners bought one a few weeks after. I no longer have one of my favorite subjects to shoot. We as most neighbors do have plans to visit but it has not happened.

Wondering what you meant by lighting? I thought the "through the plant" shot was well lit and as for the sentimantal pooch on the deck...it was a diull gray afternoon. Please expand as I'm quite interested. I am currently struggling with my monitor profile...that may be the culprit.


ahem..not John...lol

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

I like the soft lighting in the first picture, fo sure. I was just thinking that if Zeus was there for you, you might try a range of lighting to build a nice portfolio just on the one subject.

I think you need to go and make a visit! After all, the dog did bond with you and you'll get more great pictures. That's what it's all about!


Jeff O'Neil

New member
Asher Kelman said:

I like the soft lighting in the first picture, fo sure. I was just thinking that if Zeus was there for you, you might try a range of lighting to build a nice portfolio just on the one subject.

I think you need to go and make a visit! After all, the dog did bond with you and you'll get more great pictures. That's what it's all about!


We would have been over to see Zeus long ago..except for one thing. We rescued 2 dogs from St Lucia in January and we have to get them people and Zeus friendly! Zeus did not like the fact we had aquired not one but 2 dogs!

We rescued a Mom and her remaining pup from a beach in St Lucia this January. Zues liked the mom but was not to keen on the puppy! We have Brownie..a brown dog aptly named by the locals and LuLu. LuLu is named for St Lucia..the first LU, and the second LU is spawn of lucifer...lol.

Both have about 1% of every dog of the island in their blood..Brownie is a loving devoted animal. We did learn from the hotel manager that she was owned by a local fisherman who drowned. She never left the beach waiting. My wife saw her and it was like the slo motion video of two people running on the beach! Brownie had recently had pups and we brought the last of the litter home with us too.

An extra 5 day stay for my wife after I left and the dogs arrived in Toronto on a cold January 22 night. I was amazed at how Brownie adapated to winter in Canada. Not even a mis-step! We bought her a coat and she loved the snow..even after having been a beach dog 5 hours earlier.

I am very pleased to say she and her puppy are very happy Canadians! Although...the puppy tears stuff up...offers are open for sale..lol
