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Beach house

Tom dinning

Typical of the new look along the East Coast of UK.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

each house has pristine space around it with no gardens to tend to and no shed for the bikes or a boat.

So are some of these sources of income and people rent them? Or are the people just rich to afford extra homes just for themselves?

What are the beaches like? Is this for locals or a destination for surfing, parasailing holiday breaks for students on spring breaks or a quiet cove for retired folk!


Tom dinning

The houses are common along the coastline of many countries. In Australia they tend to me more ram shackled. In the UK where these were sited are usually orderly, well cared for, privately owned and used for holidays, weekend breaks, storage and rental.

They were originally constructed on beaches like Swansea and Brighton so people could change discretely or have a picnic when the weather turned inclement, as it usually does on the English coast.

The ones shown here are relatively new. It’s at a place called Sand Spit on the East coast. Norfolk I think.

The people who use them go to find sunlight, swim, fish, sail and generally escape the rat race of work.

In the winter, when this was taken, they are usually locked up and vacant.

Tom dinning


The Aussie version is usually an add on to a caravan that was left for the next holiday.


The land was usually crown land. As the years went by the land was bought and people became wealthier. Their beach houses evolved somewhat.


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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
.........The land was usually crown land. As the years went by the land was bought and people became wealthier. Their beach houses evolved somewhat.
British Crown land in Australia or the U.K.?


is this the evolution in Australia or the U.K.?

Fabulous survival of the richest!!


Tom dinning

Don’t jump to false conclusions, Ash.
The evolution of the beach house is quite complex both in social behaviour and law.
In Australia they started as places to spend time fishing swimming camping with family and friends.
They were makeshift structures build from what could be found and brought on the roof of a car.
They grew as the family grew. Makeshift.
These places developed into communities in many isolated places along the aus coast and in the bush.
My friends Jack and Joyce Plater did this with their grandfather on the north coast of NSW at a place now called Broomes Head.
The Plater family came from elsewhere each year to spend time together with their extended family and friends.
They build more permanent dwellings over the years and the local council sold them the land they had squatted on, connected electricity and water, sealed the road into the now village and put the place on the map.
A lot of towns grew up like that.

The new beach house is a remnant of that ideal and philosophy of family, friends and a place to escape the toils of work and cities.
There are still many of the old residences existing. They have weathered the storm of politics and invasion.
If a friend invites me to a beach house for a time I know what I’m in for and would never decline.
Can you imagine sleeping on an open veranda on a bunk, to wake at 5am to go fishing for the days food, eat brekkie as the sun widens its gape over the ocean, surf the break until lunch, cook a bBBQ of fish, sleep it off under a grove of she oak, walk the coast with friends in the late afternoon, more fish for dinner, a card game and a laugh to see the evening out. Then do it all again the next day. Stay as long as you want. If you’re the last to leave, close the door behind you. No key. Use the place when you want a break. Dress code is board shorts. Washing is done in the ocean when you swim. A pit toilet out back. Briengbwhat you need. No phone, no tv, no radio, no cars. No power, no strangers.

Tom dinning

How big is the lake? I don't need a beach house but I get the concept for a weekend get away.

That, my dear James, is no lake. It’s The Tasman Sea, southern extreme of th Pacific Ocean. I’d imagine there space to spare for you somewhere close to home.

James Lemon

Well-known member
That, my dear James, is no lake. It’s The Tasman Sea, southern extreme of th Pacific Ocean. I’d imagine there space to spare for you somewhere close to home.

Oh no Tom I moved 4100 feet above the Pacific Ocean. The threat of sea levels rising scared me to death. I heard that they were going to evacuate the coastline from New York to Shanghai.

Tom dinning

Oh no Tom I moved 4100 feet above the Pacific Ocean. The threat of sea levels rising scared me to death. I heard that they were going to evacuate the coastline from New York to Shanghai.

Im about 20 m above sea level. The council reptiled a croc out of the local lake last week.
I’ll be well dead by the time the tide reaches my doorstep.
Chill, James. There’s lots of more immediate things to worry about. Like, is it bin day, or should I do the housework.