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Are we Lords of Creation or simply deluded?

AFA killing without compunction - I do not know how animals think, I have no basis for thinking that they kill a la Mafia "It's just business" style. I have seen what I regard as caring or tenderness in animals - most recently with a moose mother and her tiny calf, as well as with swans with cygnets, earlier this year. There is a saying, "Don't anthropomorphize animals, they hate that."

AFA self-delusion, maybe so. As advertisements continue to stretch reasons why I 'need' something (everything?), I wonder if Star Trek's Ferengi are real, and I am a story character. It seems that their Rules of Acquisition surround our daily lives - as if I should feel guilty for not having car payments. But, it may be moot, per Calvin & Hobbes: “Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”


Nill Toulme

New member
My cats arent' interested in money either. Maybe if they thought I was trying to read it they would lie down on it. ;-)

I meant rather that cats, in my experience, seem to kill because that's their nature, not necessarily, or even usually, "to survive and protect themselves." Maybe people, in their deluded way, do it for the same reason. Or alternatively, when people kill for money (or all the other myriad reasons they seem to find), perhaps they are nevertheless doing it, after a fashion, "to survive and protect themselves."


doug anderson

New member
My cats arent' interested in money either. Maybe if they thought I was trying to read it they would lie down on it. ;-)

I meant rather that cats, in my experience, seem to kill because that's their nature, not necessarily, or even usually, "to survive and protect themselves." Maybe people, in their deluded way, do it for the same reason. Or alternatively, when people kill for money (or all the other myriad reasons they seem to find), perhaps they are nevertheless doing it, after a fashion, "to survive and protect themselves."


My cat's too lazy to kill anything. Here's Jeter in a rare moment of wakefulness.

I had a cat once that used to bring birds into my bed in the morning and pop their little skulls. She would have dismembered them and eaten them if I'd let her.

Do you mean the way cats play with what they catch? I think they're practicing.

Nill Toulme

New member
Hmmm, isn't there a corollary to Godwin's Law that holds that once a photo forum thread has degenerated to cat pix, the thread is done? ;-)


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
My cat's too lazy to kill anything. Here's Jeter in a rare moment of wakefulness.

I had a cat once that used to bring birds into my bed in the morning and pop their little skulls. She would have dismembered them and eaten them if I'd let her.

Do you mean the way cats play with what they catch? I think they're practicing.

I like this picture. Don't tell me (s)he's not thinking, "Doug?" Now he's really deluded! He thinks he owns me! How human!"


doug anderson

New member
I like this picture. Don't tell me (s)he's not thinking, "Doug?" Now he's really deluded! He thinks he owns me! How human!"


ha ha ha ha ha

good, Asher

His internal monologue is something like this: "Is this idiot going to hit me with that flash thing again? Ah, no, good. Anything but that."