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More Autumn

Dierk Haasis

pro member

Collector's Edition





Mary Bull

New member
Quite lovely. Were you using Lensbaby, Dierk?

They arouse my autumnal feelings of the year's cycle, and of the old Greek and Roman myths about Ceres (Demeter), and bring to mind my short-lived mushroom--the feelings expressed so eloquently for me by you in the picture you posted today in my thread at the Retouch, Repair forum:


Here, in "Collector's Edition," the squirrel laying by for winter in the proximity of a monument. And the mysterious path into the woods, his home.

And in "Ozgate" the sense of transcendence is given strongly to me by the unclear scene reflected in the water. My head wants to make a serious play on the idea of reflections, from the watery reflection to the concept of reflecting upon the months of the year now past, as we traverse October toward winter.

And finally, "Fallen." No accident, I think, that Ceres came to mind, when this stone image waited for me in the third picture of your trilogy here.

The statue may not represent any of the characters in the myth--may not be Hermes, that is.

But Ceres *is* the harvest goddess--owls to Athena here, of course, in your case, Dierk, but I am musing mostly for myself--and there's the squirrel harvesting. And there's the pool in the second picture, with its suggestion of earth's depths, where Pluto took Proserpine.

Well, I'll hush.

The images stand for themselves, and they need no words.

So much beauty.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Dierk, could you mention something about the technic, lenses etc, time of day etc?

Also was there any sea of autumn color?
