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Need A.R.S. on this portrait

Angel Navarro

New member
Hello Friends,

Can I have a couple of members chime in on this portrait. Like everyone here, I hope, I desire to improve my craft so please try to go beyond "Nice" or "Good. How is the lighting, posing, distance and height of subject? Clothing in relationship to background? Ratio of lighting and the pattern? And so forth...

Oh, A.R.S. is stands for Anal Retentive Scrutiny


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Deleted member 55

Wrong end! (for that kind of scrutiny)

Keep doing the same, I like it.

Mark Hampton

New member
Hello Friends,

Can I have a couple of members chime in on this portrait. Like everyone here, I hope, I desire to improve my craft so please try to go beyond "Nice" or "Good. How is the lighting, posing, distance and height of subject? Clothing in relationship to background? Ratio of lighting and the pattern? And so forth...

Oh, A.R.S. is stands for Anal Retentive Scrutiny




what is she looking at? I follow her eys out and leave this image very quickly.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Hello Friends,

Can I have a couple of members chime in on this portrait. Like everyone here, I hope, I desire to improve my craft so please try to go beyond "Nice" or "Good. How is the lighting, posing, distance and height of subject? Clothing in relationship to background? Ratio of lighting and the pattern? And so forth...

Oh, A.R.S. is stands for Anal Retentive Scrutiny



H Angel,

What's her name and what is this. Like Mark, I do wonder why she is looking away and has a socially disconnected and almost hostile expression of non-engagement. Even then, the picture does survive this. Frankly this is still a pleasant enough picture for many folk and one she might very well like and could serve her purposes. Perhaps there's a drama where the agent wants such a look or its needed by the bank for employee of the month. To know how "good" a picture is, one really needs to know the arena where it will perform!

The center of attention here are the beautifully rendered, even lyrical shoulders. There's wonderful form that is captivating. Unfortunately, that's not where we should give most attention. The face, OTOH, is lit strongly so that it's rather washed out. If the shoulders were cropped away, we'd pay more attention to her face. What we'd like to see is the kind of modeling lighting used on the shoulders applied to her face. Also her right shoulder is too brightly lit. In the "shadow-highlght" tool in CS2 to CS5 one can pull back on the highlights in the face and perhaps you might try doing that.

In spite of these remarks, I don't think most clients would worry to much about the picture. But you did ask for a tighter critique and I have tried to be as helpful as I am able.

From a strictly posing point of view I'd like that lips weren't that pursed, stiffen (she looks that preventing to laugh or cry) she don't even need to smile but to relax a bit. But the main stuff for me is the right side of the hair, I think there's something missing, like if was partially shaved on the hidden side. I need more volume. For the rest I really love the softness you gave to her elbows and her wonderful complexion...

PS: I think she had her hair recently cut, that explain the stray hair with perfectly straight ends on the left side (or maybe there's an electrostatic or very damp environment?). in case not, I think she really need a deep hair mask treatment to give back the softness lacking on her magnificent hair length. Sorry for this girly breaking-off. ;-)

Angel Navarro

New member

H Angel,

What's her name and what is this. Like Mark, I do wonder why she is looking away and has a socially disconnected and almost hostile expression of non-engagement. Even then, the picture does survive this. Frankly this is still a pleasant enough picture for many folk and one she might very well like and could serve her purposes. Perhaps there's a drama where the agent wants such a look or its needed by the bank for employee of the month. To know how "good" a picture is, one really needs to know the arena where it will perform!

The center of attention here are the beautifully rendered, even lyrical shoulders. There's wonderful form that is captivating. Unfortunately, that's not where we should give most attention. The face, OTOH, is lit strongly so that it's rather washed out. If the shoulders were cropped away, we'd pay more attention to her face. What we'd like to see is the kind of modeling lighting used on the shoulders applied to her face. Also her right shoulder is too brightly lit. In the "shadow-highlght" tool in CS2 to CS5 one can pull back on the highlights in the face and perhaps you might try doing that.

In spite of these remarks, I don't think most clients would worry to much about the picture. But you did ask for a tighter critique and I have tried to be as helpful as I am able.

That's good critique Asher, thank you! I tried to place her in a pose reminiscent to a traditional pose I recall. The key was feathered and still did not get the softness I was aiming for - perhaps double-diffusion will work. Also, a flag for her right shoulder to reduce its brightness. The portrait is pretty but I am looking at convention (or, getting the subtle portrait technique down). Thank you Asher.
