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Welcome to Ashcroft BC

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Lot of hills around. What does the town live on? Is there a railway or just approached by road and a small airfield perhaps?

James Lemon

Well-known member
Lot of hills around. What does the town live on? Is there a railway or just approached by road and a small airfield perhaps?
Yes a railway on each side of the river. There is mining, agriculture, ranching, and tourism .

Established by brothers Clement Francis Cornwall and Henry Pennant Cornwall in 1862, the earliest mention of the name Ashcroft farm was 1863.That year, the brothers opened a roadhouse.

The property lay on the Cariboo Road about 3 kilometres (2 mi) due west of the river. The earliest newspaper mention of the name Ashcroft as a locality was 1865. In partnership with E.William Brink, John Christopher Barnes established a ranch in 1868 on the east shore of the river

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I wonder which contributed most, thr river or the twin railways?

Sometimes, rail created towns! Here it’s likely that the river might have been the basis for the town location to chosen!

James Lemon

Well-known member
I wonder which contributed most, thr river or the twin railways?

Sometimes, rail created towns! Here it’s likely that the river might have been the basis for the town location to chosen!
I think the river thats how people travelled thats how the explorers did it and provided fish to eat and don't forget the gold rush days the Thomson river was and is big places like Yale BC were early settlements as well.