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bald eagle

  1. James Lemon

    Happy Fourth Of July

  2. James Lemon

    Bald Eagle

    Bald Eagles can live a long time. The oldest recorded bird in the wild was at least 38 years old when it was hit and killed by a car in New York in 2015. It had been banded in the same state in 1977.
  3. James Lemon

    Bald Eagle in Flight

  4. James Lemon

    Bald Eagle

  5. Jim Olson

    My wife found me another eagle this morning.

    I love the fact that Naomi finds eagles for me all the time. I have a great wife.
  6. James Lemon

    King OF The Sky

  7. James Lemon

    Eagle Eye

  8. Chris Calohan

    The Eagle Has Landed

  9. James Lemon

    Bald Eagle

  10. Chris Calohan

    American Bald Eagle

  11. Asher Kelman

    Photographer of Interest - Selected by Editor: Remarkable Bald Eagle by Amateur Photogrqpher

    Steve Biro: Bald Eagle Steven Biro was visiting a Canadian Conservatory and became interested in their resident famous raptor! His camera caught caught the bald eagle swooping over the water in perfect symmetry. Cropped showing amazing face of the Bald Eagle This has overwhelmed Mr.Biro...