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  1. nicolas claris

    Fuji GFX Camera Bon anniversaire Asher! - From the heart of a peony

    A tribute to my oldest friend here, Asher est un grand monsieur… This is peony, growing on aour terrace is the grand daughter of the one I shot for my exhibition "Un peu de rouge, pourtant". I shot it his morning with a thought for my friend leaving in America. This is one of the very first...
  2. P

    Birthday Girl

    Her twenty sixth, shot with a cel phone.
  3. Doug Kerr

    Still life (in them)

    2019.08.10 was Carla's 81st birthday. Each of her older two kids sent her a lovely flower arrangement. By a few days ago, many of the blooms had reached their end of useful life, but not all. Carla extracted the ones from both arrangements with a few more days in them and arranged them in a...