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olympus camera

  1. Robert Watcher

    Relaxing Monday evening - Beach & Light Trails

    Trying to find a different vantage point around the Goderich Harbour (Lake Huron). At the end of the Cove beach, I spotted a grassy mound that aimed back toward the ships loading at the salt mine. Plus I figured I’d be able to catch some car light trails where the road came to an end, requiring...
  2. Robert Watcher

    Ontario Street Snaps

    Ontario Street Snaps
  3. Robert Watcher

    It’s wonderful shooting from the sidelines

    Anne and I had the special privilege of experiencing the wedding of our grandson Mason, to Elise - this past Friday evening. A pro photographer was hired to capture the events of the day as well as formal portraits. So I got to just sit back and grab a few snapshots, without being a spectacle...
  4. Robert Watcher

    Light Painting in the Clouds with Live Composite Mode

    Light Painting in the Clouds with Live Composite Mode PASTEL VIVID PLATINUM
  5. Robert Watcher

    Yes I’m an Olympus guy - from mid 1980’s

    Except for the one or two cameras I use on a daily basis, I’ve never really paid attention to the bodies I have - until I pulled them out to clean them today. I started with Olympus in the 1980’s when I was in the thick of my professional photography career. They hit the sweet spot of small...
  6. Robert Watcher

    Motivated by a vase of flowers from the grocery store

    Anne’s purchase of flowers to freshen up our apartment yesterday, provided a nice subject for me to get motivated and creative with my camera and new processing application, this morning. Simple bouquet - simple table light - simple camera - creative concepts backing shot taken...
  7. Robert Watcher

    Camera Scene modes are for amateurs!

    Camera Scene modes are for amateurs! That’s OK by me. I’m a pro and I have always tried to think like an amateur by pushing boundaries, exploring, trying techniques and gear that others label as unbefitting a serious/real photographer. And so I am beginning to delve into camera settings on my...
  8. Robert Watcher

    A Selection of People Being Themselves

    My method late yesterday afternoon was to restrict myself to two city blocks, about 30 minutes, and capture what I was presented with. Olympus E-M10 w/14-42mm kit lens.