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polarized photography

  1. Dr Klaus Schmitt

    Gazania in polarized reflected UV light

    Gazania rigens in polarized reflected UV light
  2. Dr Klaus Schmitt

    Saxifraga - Rockfoil in polarized UV light

    Here a white Saxifraga flowers), which shows the predicted effect my friend told me about: That bees have around their eyes sensors able to detect polarized light and there woud be flowers using that: Visible light - sunlight: Reflected polarized UV, only sunlight: Reflected polarized...
  3. Dr Klaus Schmitt

    Phlox in circular polarized light

    PHLOX - Rockfoil flower. Phlox flower in M-mode i.e. non exposure compensated: Phlox flower in A-mode i.e. exposure compensated:
  4. Dr Klaus Schmitt

    UV Polarized Photography II

    Was doing some testing about using polarizers with reflected UV, so here a few samples presented as gifs while rotating the filter. This was shot using a modified camera with only fused silica glass in front of the sensor and the Baader-U filter (320-390nm), lens used was the UV-Nikkor 4.5/105mm...