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  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!

still life

  1. Asher Kelman

    Still Life : Lit by a window!

    Well, I put a new set of windows in my kitchen, so no there's light! I watch the light strike objects early in the morning as the sun comes up over the large hedge outside. Asher Kelman: Fruit in a Black Bowl Canon 6D Hope to see a myriad of images by your favorite window light! Asher
  2. M

    My World: Tulips Encore - Still Life

    Until a week ago, it was still winter here, but finally a few tulips have poked through brave heads out of the ground and have given us hope of spring. Unfortunately, they are announcing a bit of snow for tonight, but I went out and brought one tulip in and took some images in the warmth and...