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street photography

  1. James Lemon


  2. Robert Watcher

    Anticipating a decisive moment

    Anne says that I am always aware of my surroundings and recognizing and tracking things she never notices, when we are involved in an activity together. It is true. Recently in the Netherlands as we were having a relaxing boat ride on a canal, I noticed this metal statue on the sidewalk as well...
  3. James Lemon

    Mission Hills

  4. James Lemon

    On The Go

  5. Robert Watcher

    Classic Netherland Streets

    Classic Netherland Streets
  6. Robert Watcher

    Ontario Street Snaps

    Ontario Street Snaps
  7. Asher Kelman

    A Muse in New York!

    So enjoyable when one can meet a stranger and collaborate on many pictures! Here’s Bernadette:
  8. D

    Proceed with “CAUTION!”

  9. James Lemon

    Grand Union Cafe

  10. Robert Watcher

    The big city provides me the opportunity for Street pics again

    The big city provides me the opportunity for Street pics again - a very similar vibe and accessibility in Toronto to what I enjoy in Central America with my Street Photography. Walking around a few blocks in Kensington Market this morning
  11. Robert Watcher

    Kit Lens Street Pics

    My most used lens for my street and travel photography over the past years, is my 14-42mm kit lens for my Olympus bodies. I got rid of the one I had earlier this year, and have really been missing it - even though I haven’t been out shooting the streets. This morning I noticed in Facebook...
  12. James Lemon

    My Street Shots

  13. Robert Watcher

    Cool unpublished street photograph

    My purchase of the new MacMini M1 (Silicone) a few weeks ago - along with the addition of a new 27” LG 4K monitor this past week... ...has me revisiting my large collection of travel and street files, in an attempt to find ones that I have never printed or published online before. In fact, I...
  14. James Lemon

    Pet Care

  15. M

    The window people of Austria

    Back in 1985 I was part of a college trip to Europe on the way to an archaeological dig in Jerusalem. As best as I can recall, these photos were taken in Mattsee, Austria. It appears I took these “human studies” from a hotel window as I watched the locals going about their business. And one of...
  16. James Lemon

    Street Portraits

  17. James Lemon

    Any Slice

  18. James Lemon


  19. James Lemon

    Social Happy Meal

  20. James Lemon

    Nice Skirt
