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1DS MKIII sample image

Michael Fontana

pro member

I don't have that pinkish cast, with 1 Ds-2-files as well. Using Magne's Hi-Sat-Profile.
The shot was done at + 1.5 f, in PS, it says 255/255/255, after conversion...

C1 4.0- 14154.14152

Nice rendering of the shadows and 3/4-tones, as alwith with C1.
Magenta highlights

That pinkish cast is probably dependent on the camera model and may vary with white balance and compression mode. It is almost always caused by the red and blue channels having more information in the highlights than the green and the clip point being set higher than the top of the green range. Does C1 give you some sort of threshold or sensitivity control for the highlight recovery? If you can nudge the clip point, it should solve your problem.

Not yet, but I find it hard to believe I'm the only/first one to experience it. Guess I'll try to contact PhaseOne, but I first have to pick up my 1Ds Mark III (I received a call that there is one waiting for me).


Insofar as the quality of a camera file is dependent on the Raw converter which instantiates it for us, I would certainly try to get Phase One onto these issues by sending them these files. And try to shake Magne's tree so that he makes some of his great profiles for the 1Ds3, which I hope gives you a lot of shooting satisfaction. I tried to do this via Michael Tapes, as I'd read somewhere that they had a joint project of some kind underway (I'd found no contact info on Magne's site). Given Michael Fontana's observations which converge with mine (although I'd have more confidence in the former), it would seem important - certainly for users like myself - to have access to Magne's profiles for a Canon camera body, at least when using C1.

By the way, the crops you provided must have come from some very lovely files (if you will forgive an off-topic comment).

Michael Fontana

pro member
I could reproduce the pink in C1-4, now:


Look at the histogramm, of that RAW:


quickanddirtcomparison to LR:


and finally RD (Raw Developer) but not to much underexposing in the converter, as the other ones:


Yes, I belive LR can recover better the highlights than C1-4, but it has its limits as well.

IMO, C1 has its merits in °well-structured° shadows-3/4 tones, in sunlight.
When shooting art in the studio, with strobes, I like RD most.

Basically, I think each RC has its pro's and cons, which makes me using thes 3 RC's.

When testing C-1- 4, yesterday, I found it hard to set/judge the sharpening; in the previews it looked less sharp, than as a developed tiff, in PS, later.

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Basically, I think each RC has its pro's and cons, which makes me using thes 3 RC's.

When testing C-1- 4, yesterday, I found it hard to set/judge the sharpening; in the previews it looked less sharp, than as a developed tiff, in PS, later.

Bonjour Michael

a wise statement!

for the sharpening, I use the default settings and to end the PP, I run… you know what!

Paul Caldwell

New member
Red Highlights


I found that same problem with 3.7 etc. On my 1ds MKII files it was very common in clouds. The same raw files would open up in other raw converts without the same effect. I started using ACR CS2 because of this issue. As I wrote it off to my in experience with the MKII but after a while I just realized that Capture One 3.7.6 Pro was very very tight with certain highlights. Interesting to see that same problem has come up in Capture 4.

Paul Caldwell
By the way, the crops you provided must have come from some very lovely files (if you will forgive an off-topic comment).

To give you an impression of this partial panorama tile:

The crops are from the center top area, hence the CA almost being at it's worst from my TS-E 45mm f/2.8 lens (tilted for extreme DOF).


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
I was a bit surprised by the results Bart got, so I asked him the raw file, and he send me the one "over exposed".
At first I got almost same result in C1-4 and it took me a while to understand that C1-4 did "understand" these green and red casts as… color noise!
Then: 100% crop direct JPEG export. No PS, No CS, no PP:



Adobe Camera Raw V.4.31

I've seen from the exif that it was shot as ISO 50. This confirms my initial tests with the 1DS2 stating that ISO 50 in a high contrast secene does burn the highlights.

One can obviously say that ACR does bring these highlights better… but I still prefer the tones given by C1…

Michael Fontana

pro member
Bonjour Nicolas

I went back and redid the sky with Raw Developer; using - still in the RAW-pipeline - the Lightnesscurve in the LAB-space; this option is AFAIK unique to RD:


My question now:
does the wider gamut of LAB prevents the highlights to clip?
Opend in PS, the RGB's are about 216/216/241.
I was a bit surprised by the results Bart got, so I asked him the raw file, and he send me the one "over exposed".
At first I got almost same result in C1-4 and it took me a while to understand that C1-4 did "understand" these green and red casts as… color noise!

Hi Nicolas,

While the amount of pink is reduced, it's still present. Besides, an ISO L shot should not need noise reduction, and I indeed had it set to zero on my C1 and ACR conversions. Interesting thing is that it seems to have helped the auto CA reduction, hmmm, strange.

I've seen from the exif that it was shot as ISO 50. This confirms my initial tests with the 1DS2 stating that ISO 50 in a high contrast secene does burn the highlights.

I have to disagree with that conclusion. As you can expect from me, I tested the differences between ISO 'L' and 100 on my 1Ds2. ISO 'L' is acually something like ISO 75 so the built in camera metering, which uses ISO 50, will overexpose by 50% which in turn is what will lead to highlight clipping compared to ISO 100 metering. In fact, ISO 'L' has a slightly higher dynamic range mainly due to lower noise levels, compared to ISO 100. Exposure "to the right" (ETTR), and watching for the blinking clipping indicator on the LCD will avoid the issue and improve image quality.

One can obviously say that ACR does bring these highlights better… but I still prefer the tones given by C1…

Sigh, yes. That's why we unfortunately need multiple Raw converters.


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
BTW what a lens!

Posted thru iphone in high speed train between Bordeaux and Paris...

Hi Nicolas,

While the amount of pink is reduced, it's still present. Besides, an ISO L shot should not need noise reduction, and I indeed had it set to zero on my C1 and ACR conversions. Interesting thing is that it seems to have helped the auto CA reduction, hmmm, strange.

I have to disagree with that conclusion. As you can expect from me, I tested the differences between ISO 'L' and 100 on my 1Ds2. ISO 'L' is acually something like ISO 75 so the built in camera metering, which uses ISO 50, will overexpose by 50% which in turn is what will lead to highlight clipping compared to ISO 100 metering. In fact, ISO 'L' has a slightly higher dynamic range mainly due to lower noise levels, compared to ISO 100. Exposure "to the right" (ETTR), and watching for the blinking clipping indicator on the LCD will avoid the issue and improve image quality.

Sigh, yes. That's why we unfortunately need multiple Raw converters.

Hello Bart,

Thanks for posting the uncropped image which I was able to view and appreciate on my return to Paris. Now if you and Nicolas would stop praising the 1Ds3 I might be able to stick to my New Year's resolution of waiting till Feb to see what is coming.

All the best to everyone for the New Year.

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Hello Bart,

Thanks for posting the uncropped image which I was able to view and appreciate on my return to Paris. Now if you and Nicolas would stop praising the 1Ds3 I might be able to stick to my New Year's resolution of waiting till Feb to see what is coming.

LOL, but the image I posted was from the 1Ds2 ! Not to add to the temptations, but I think Nicolas has one on offer ;-), and maybe I will also sell my Mark II (will have it serviced before I do).

Hello Bart,

I'm aware that it was a Ds2 shot. But independently of this both you and Nicolas have been singing the praises of your recently acquired Ds3 bodies, an upgrade from the Ds2 that I've been ambivalent about and hesitated pursuing.