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4x5 Photo from my new Toyo 45GII camera


Deleted member 55

Testing out my Toyo. The last shot of 10. The one with the best composition!

150mm f6.3 caltar II-E 34 seconds at f22 ISO 100 Room light.


Deleted member 55

Jack: What is a "box body"? I have never had one.

Asher: It is Fuji Film Instant Black & White Film, FP-100B Professional.

It works in a Polaroid Peel Apart Pack Film 4x5 Holder.

Then scanned in my Epson $29 scanner.

Deleted member 55

Like a Brownie Hawkeye?

I guess I do have one, My Mom's old one. I even shot with it and still have one contact print.

Deleted member 55

Hi Don, I totally disagree. A TSE lens is just the tip of the iceberg. There is also the lens baby. Then the calumet offerings be it feeble at best. Then I have a canon bellows for my EOS system (very rare, the only one in existence that I know of).

All these are good tools. I believe they will do as good as any lens/camera setup in the 35-mm format.

The limiting factor is the format size.