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A Personification of the Civil Rights Movement

Chris Calohan

Well-known member
A Challenge, Defiance, Reality



  • A-Personification-of-the-Civil-Rights-Movement-2.jpg
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Chris Calohan

Well-known member
I see a kid playing with waves on the beach. What does this have to do with civil rights?
Black kids (and adults) in the 60's quite often challenged the authority of the white man and often defied them, until they got signed a bit, as has this little one. She challenged the waves, then defied them, but in the end, like the moth, she faced the reality of what happens when you get too close. Like others, she might well have continued to face the consequences in the struggle of winning equality...not so much yet but it is the dream.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

I understood the metaphor. Remember King Canute who also challenged the waves?

But I grew up going to school with a police escort.

….so I also identify with the black girl immediately or the lines of 5 year old Catholic Girls, holding hands in pairs, matching bravely between a gauntlet of the hostile gauntlet of “Orange” party women, screaming vulgar epithets at the amazingly stoic children!


Jerome Marot

Well-known member
I am still a bit at loss with the analogy.

Obviously, I saw that the kid was black. I also noticed the white fancy dress.

Just as obviously, we do have racism in Europe where I live. It is present everywhere you find humans. But there are subtle differences with the situation in the USA.

But, for me, the analogy fails on two points.
-a trivial one: i just see a child playing. I have seen other children playing with waves all the same. They know they will get their feet wet and they know it is without danger. Defying powers to exercise civil rights is not without danger and not a play.
-second: you can't really fight the sea and expect to win, while one can fight racists and expect to win.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
When King Kanute ordered back the waves, it was to teach his arrogant courtiers a lesson in his humility and understanding that he has zero power against nature!
