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Affinity Publisher has proved so valuable.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Interesting proposition Asher, but not the type of commitment that I would be interested in. I am just thankful that you tolerate my disjointed posts with related screenshots and findings that I come across as I am working on projects that I love doing. Instruction and deep dives into research, don’t fall into that category I’m afraid. 😉👍🏻
I wish you were nearby! I now have to look up the location of Toronto compared to Los Angeles! Then you could be my tutor!

OMG, Toronto is about 1/8th of the circumference of the world at the latitude!

Looks like the videos are better idea!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I received my cards yesterday and Doug the day before and we are both so impressed. Doug will share with you a he is so inspired that he’s preparing to hopefully follow your path.

He will be using QImage Ultimate for printing which seems to be amazing and even unclogs printers and increases sharpness of images brilliantly far better than Lightroom.

Have you had experience with QImage yourself?


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Thanks for the update Asher. Doug contacted me when he received his package. Enjoy.

I am not familiar with qimage.
When I had pictures printed for a major exhibition, I looked for a printer that used QImage as this is a miracle controller of most pro modern printers and does amazing things, from batch printing to improve appearance far beyond sharpening and curves we are used to in Photoshop!

For any commercial job, if one is paying anyway, it’s an idea to consider first those who use QImage as they can get the most out of your file!
