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Apparent flaws in the OPF message composition screen

Doug Kerr

Well-known member
I write to report again two aspects of the OPF message composition screen that seem to me to be flaws.

1. Highlighting of selected material

I use the "Original OPF " style. When I am composing a message, and select some test for deletion of replacement, the "highlighting" is an almost invisible gray overlay.

A little while ago I switched to the other available styles to see how they handled highlighting of selected text. It seemed that on at least one, the highlighting was quite visible, yet later I find that on all of them the highlighting is hardly visible. A mystery on top of a problem.

I have nothing like that in other applications that provide for text entry.

2. Spell check indication

Sometimes when I have made two or more spelling errors in a paragraph the entire paragraph test is given the wavy red underline meant to show words that appear to be misspelled.

The only way to clear this that I know of is to put the cursor at the end of the paragraph, hit Enter, (at which the wavy red underline disappears) and then delete the unwanted blank line that generated.

Best regards,

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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Thanks, Doug!

These and other anomalies do need fixing. I plan to address updates later this year by hiring a consultant Whois both expert in the software and meticulous in details!

So I am happy and appreciate all efforts to collect needed corrections and will try to do the next update to include galleries.
