Asher Kelman
OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I'm happy to have been included in Canon's Ambassador Program in the USA and so I now able to add to my Ricoh photography experience with the exciting Ricoh GR fixed 28mm APS-C walk around camera.
© Asher Kelman: Ricoh GR Flower in Beverly Hills City Hall
ISO 200, 1/750 sec, f5.0
Same: 100% crop from center
I'm already bedazzled by the highly competent Ricoh GXR modular camera. My favorite lens module is the 50 mm 2.5 Macro unit that's so sharp and rewarding, I could just use that for all my work if I had to. After all, I'm brought up using one lens and one camera for large blocks of time. I did that with my Pentax Spotmatic with the super multi Takamur 50 mm 1.4 lens. One just zoomed with one's feet. That was with film! Now with digital, Ricoh-Pentax have incredible genetics, and this new GR camera has in its bloodline the impressive lenses of Ricoh and takes a proud place in the lineage as a serious compact for pro and prosumer use.
What's so special about the GR is that it is designed to be never left behind and to reward the discerning photographer with excellent printable pictures of beauty and moments that we'd otherwise walk by. It's design allows immediacy. I am general in Av mode. In good light, one just shots and adjust the exposure by a rocking lever at ones thumb, aperture by a wheel in on the top right, in front of the shutter, perfect for the right index finger. If one is uncertain at night, or there's hight dynamic range and one is moving with others, then bracketing takes 3 rapid shots that either provide the one perfect image or allow for HDR processing. One reaches that function in live view using fn 2, (which in review serves as the delete button.
I'll share with you what caught my eye, simply on the way to do other things. There are no photo-shoots here, The camera fits fluidly in with one's schedule.
So yellow colored flower petals of the blossoming Sawleaf Zelkova trees shower, with any slight breeze, to the grass in the street below.
© Asher Kelman: Ricoh GR Yellow petal dusting in Beverly Hills Street Lawn
and the gutters at the side of the road get blessed too!
© Asher Kelman: Ricoh GR: Yellow petals bless the gutters too!
More pictures to follow: flowers, people, shop windows, setting sun at the beach and much more. So watch this thread for regular additions.

© Asher Kelman: Ricoh GR Flower in Beverly Hills City Hall
ISO 200, 1/750 sec, f5.0

Same: 100% crop from center
I'm already bedazzled by the highly competent Ricoh GXR modular camera. My favorite lens module is the 50 mm 2.5 Macro unit that's so sharp and rewarding, I could just use that for all my work if I had to. After all, I'm brought up using one lens and one camera for large blocks of time. I did that with my Pentax Spotmatic with the super multi Takamur 50 mm 1.4 lens. One just zoomed with one's feet. That was with film! Now with digital, Ricoh-Pentax have incredible genetics, and this new GR camera has in its bloodline the impressive lenses of Ricoh and takes a proud place in the lineage as a serious compact for pro and prosumer use.
What's so special about the GR is that it is designed to be never left behind and to reward the discerning photographer with excellent printable pictures of beauty and moments that we'd otherwise walk by. It's design allows immediacy. I am general in Av mode. In good light, one just shots and adjust the exposure by a rocking lever at ones thumb, aperture by a wheel in on the top right, in front of the shutter, perfect for the right index finger. If one is uncertain at night, or there's hight dynamic range and one is moving with others, then bracketing takes 3 rapid shots that either provide the one perfect image or allow for HDR processing. One reaches that function in live view using fn 2, (which in review serves as the delete button.
I'll share with you what caught my eye, simply on the way to do other things. There are no photo-shoots here, The camera fits fluidly in with one's schedule.
So yellow colored flower petals of the blossoming Sawleaf Zelkova trees shower, with any slight breeze, to the grass in the street below.

© Asher Kelman: Ricoh GR Yellow petal dusting in Beverly Hills Street Lawn
and the gutters at the side of the road get blessed too!

© Asher Kelman: Ricoh GR: Yellow petals bless the gutters too!
More pictures to follow: flowers, people, shop windows, setting sun at the beach and much more. So watch this thread for regular additions.